AmishJohn: The redesign bites tender portions of various anatomies..

Seth Green can act?

Don't forget that the Lunar corporation (In the original, UC timeline - I refuse to acknowledge the Rock-Em Sock-Em or Angsty Emo Angel Wing / Capes timelines...) Anaheim Electronics sold weaponry to both sides...

@Belabras: Or use your Lunar mass driver to lob the rocks...

@lalawguy: Mispronounce it in your head as 'Carpaccio'.

I'll pass. Will Ferrell is about as funny as a colonoscopy with a Roto-Rooter.

@LittleBigSteve: Lana is a lot smarter than most people realize.. she shops at Fredrick's of Oak Ridge: Your Source For The Finest In Lead-Lined Couture.

@mkirkland: There was no sex of any sort in the book - Juan got, at most, kissed. This was originally a YA title (!) and his YA editor, Kay Tarrant, cut any mention of sex out of any YA manuscript that crossed her desk.

How many phone books is he sitting on in that first pic, anyway? He may do better if he could see over the dashboard.

@8x10: "Just kidding about the God part..."

Congratulations on promoting bad ideas 'For The Children'.

@Illundiel: Unless he can only use his powers every 8 hours...

@8x10: It can't go 'BOOM' unless it's ejected ridiculous amounts of gas in advance to carry the sound waves. Otherwise it just goes'...'.

@Starlionblue: Sssh. We shouldn't discuss such problematica.

@shinjukuDLJ: Don't worry; in a couple weeks he'll be known as 23495842-23948

@GodofMonkeys: Engines at full…high power hatrack ratcatcher to port weapons…brickbat lingerie!