
Dollars to doughnuts it’s that dead-eyed little fuck Stephen Miller

The NYT has framed this story as if Rosenstein did something shocking and wrong, when the reality is we should be asking why on earth was the deputy AG so concerned about Trump that he mentioned 25 and a wiretap? They have handed Trump a reason to fire Rosenstein (legitimate or not) in the court of public opinion.

I will bet upwards of $5,000 that Trump doesn't even remember Ben Carson works for him.

The Egyptians will appreciate the distraction so they can get back to filling their pyramids with grain. 

‘I will Chair the United Nations Security Council meeting on Iran next week!’

The Tea Party came from Ron Paul and the Koch brothers. She was just one of many festering boils to be birthed by it.

Shit, I meant “collusion” three times. Obstruction only twice.:My point still stands abou summoning Beetlejuice (Mueller)

Only president this century to read an entire book, cover to cover.

Here’s what Barack Obama is reading.”

It’s really such a dick move to keep someone’s dead dad’s guitar, I honestly can’t believe it.

This seems a good a place as any to go on my drunken rant.

He truly is the king of the assholes.

visualize even a band of assholes rising up and saying:
he doesn’t speak for us

She looks like a Dr. Seuss villain.

He truly is the king of the assholes.

I never get guys who are like, “Why do I have to say Happy Mother’s Day to her? She’s my wife, not my mother.” Hey asshole, she gave birth to your kids. Buy her a fucking card. These guys exist, and Trump is their king.

He can’t even manage warmth in a Mother’s Day message. And not a single word about the mother of his youngest child — because of course he was fucking porn stars and Playmates right after she gave birth. And it’s also worth saying: A bigger man also would find it in his heart to be gracious about the mothers (ahem,

I’m so tired of this motherfucker screaming about “Witch Hunts” that I would love nothing more than for an actual witch to appear in front of him out of a puff of smoke (a la Scooby Doo) and smack him upside the head multiple time, without saying a word.

...or an impressionist’s view of a Klan rally.

To: Kanye

According to him, no one works except the rich. Everyone else is just lazy.