
I kind of want Trump to make some huge flashy statement only to have the entire remaining Bush clan give him the collective finger.

Donald Trump used a photo op with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to promote Mar-a-Lago, calling the Palm Beach club “the Southern White House.” “Many, many people want to be here,” Trump added. “Many of the leaders want to be here. They request specifically.”

It took this big orange yutz a week to find the light switches in the White House. Russia better be ready to wait for that magic economic assistance.

Honest question. Once trump is done and over with, whether from impeachment or loss of reelection or whatever, do you think we can ever bridge the ideological divide that’s happening in America?

I wonder if the significant portion of the Indian-American population that voted for Trump has any regrets. Poetic justice for voting for Trump because of anti-Muslim sentiment.

He’s actually going to limit H1B1 visas like he promised? One of two things will happen:

And her husband! We can’t allow an adulterous man live in the White House!

I need to feel good about my vote, and she hasn’t earned it.

“I just don’t like her”

You just don’t understand. Did you hear about her EMAILS? /barf

Hillary is so bad you guys, can’t vote for her.

Eh, dummies are gonna dumb. I was several weeks into boot camp when one of our drill instructors blew up on someone who kept saying “Marine Corpse.” Trump is our first ASVAB-waiver President, and those guys historically have issues with spelling.

They look like Draco Malfoy’s goons.

His son returned home with blood on his shirt and the fragments still in his neck. - WTF?? This whole situation is unacceptable and highly disturbing. I really feel for people with kids in school. These days must be so scary for parents. I’m glad this kid was okay, but that teacher should NOT be teaching anymore.

And let’s see how the gun nuts react to their “good guy with a gun” being yet again revealed to be more a dipshit with a gun.

Last year: “Healthcare reform is so easy! We’ll get everyone better insurance, and it’ll be so cheap.”


at which point Winograd, fearing a lawsuit, started looking into this Cousteau fellow, and, some detective work later, discovered his true identity. He then contacted U.S. authorities.

Seriously. The gun nuts are spitballing stupider and stupider ideas- “teach the little kids to all run toward the shooter” being one of the worst. So, we are expecting these little kids to be incredibly brave and yet, still supposed to fully swallow that Officer Shootzie Killzie, a trained officer was justified in