
Totally off topic, but is anyone else having the issue of not seeing all the comments even when you hit show pending? It’s annoying because I like to read all the comments.

“Trump will then use his brain to decide just what he wants to do”

What “action” would the FBI have even taken? I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have been able to stop him from buying guns, thanks to Trump getting rid of Obama’s mental health gun ownership restrictions. Fuck I’m so angry that every time there’s a mass shooting everyone desperately finds something to blame OTHER than

Yup. I have friends that *GASP* hunt with cross-bows. There is no gunpowder. I don’t know how they kill a deer every single year and fulfill use their legal tags to cull them. But I love their sausage and haven’t been without it for 20+ years.

Considering the local Florida Sheriff’s Dept received over 20 reports about the guy in the past 2 years and also did nothing maybe Rick Scott should step down. And then eat a hot bag of shit.

The FBI received a tip about Parkland, Florida shooter Nikolas Cruz’s “gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting” in January but failed to investigate it.

And then my husband saved the day.

Agreed. Peacocks go out of their way to inconvenience people. I’m just stunned that someone has found one helpful

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

God I fucking WISH at least one of these women came out and said he paid for her abortion.

The House passed H.R. 4712, the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act. Sponsored by Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), the bill is “based on the myth that infants are ‘born alive’ after abortions—and that abortion providers routinely murder them.”

Abortion is my shutdown topic. I’ll engage with right-wingnuts on race, war, feminism, anything else... They’re still wrong on those subjects, sometimes horribly so, but the minute some loon dives into Jesus, fetal pain, “conception begins at birth”, yada yada, I just nope right the fuck out of there. Not worth a

These pro-lifer guys, are they the same pro-lifers that refuse to fund CHIP because they are so compassionate and want to help single mothers? Those pro-lifer guys?

If you have taken any benefit, if you have elected to take any benefit from the government at any given time during any election cycle, you do not get to vote at the subsequent election

Pro-lifers are some of the least compassionate people there are.

I’m not going to insist Couric is telling the truth, but I think it is relevant to note that, like you said, Couric was one of the few women who had seniority over Lauer. Additionally, when Lauer came on as her co-host, her husband was dying of cancer, and then she was raising two small kids in the aftermath of his

Trump: King didn’t even bother to respond to my invitation. Now who’s the racist?

Trumps supporters do not care that he’s a serial adulterer; there was already plenty of evidence that people chose to ignore on voting day. I can’t say I blame her at all for taking a payout.

in my experience, the people who take offense to being called “white people” are the same white-ass people who ask why Black folk get to say the n-word while they cant (yet...still do)