
More like a tattoo of Oliver Cromwell.

So, you’re saying that having easy access to guns results in fewer and more restricted personal freedoms in society? Color me shocked.

It’s trashy, but so is the entire Trump family & the administration. I believe every word.

Donald Trump’s lawyer, an old friend of ours, has sent a cease-and-desist letter to Michael Wolff’s publisher, Henry Holt and Co.. An excerpt of Wolff’s book, which started a war of words between Trump and Steve Bannon, was published yesterday. [Washington Post]

I am now imagining little stories about them. They are secretly a crime fighting duo. Henri wears a jaunty beret, Marzipan would like to wear a poncho, but keeps stepping on it.

It’s SO clearly about penile inadequacy that one would almost think even Trump could see it at this point.

He’s always felt that way! And said so in so many words. He’s too stupid not to keep saying it aloud, so we know where we stand.

I have a pet theory that he genuinely thinks he’s the President of the Republicans and Hillary is President of the Democrats.

The course/coarse misspelling is my pet peeve. Drives me crazy.

He’s been *very* strict on commercial aviation. When the commercial aviators called him up and said ‘Can we do some crashes this year?’ he said ‘NO WAY GUYS!’

realistic humans in realistic scenarios that could realistically happen on planet earth.

Funny how much more desirable being alone becomes when you have a few little roommates stuck to your ass 24/7.

THIS ALL DAY. I was a dancer for a long time. I never had to wear revealing or sexy costumes. Now I see my friends with toddler daughters allowing their dance studios to dress their babies in ridiculous grown up shit. And that’s not even the part that makes me rage. It’s that they have them posing with “sexy” faces

I own a snake (one of my brilliant decisions as a 20 year old)  and she bit me once when she mistook my hand for food and and it did not look like that. It’s not that I am saying she’s a liar, but snakes have two fangs that are hooked and will bite once and rapidly pull back if it is defensive or bite and constrict if

You guys know Anna Wintour, right? The famous editor of Vanity Fair?

Breitbart has denounced Paul Nehlen, a conservative running against Paul Ryan, for anti-Semitism.

A lot of terrible things happened in 2017. The United States exited the Paris Climate Agreement, relinquishing