
Conservatives hate the French Revolution because they are convinced that it is the origin of socialism and the idea of communist dictatorship. Seriously. They worship Burke and despise Rousseau.

Having liters instead of cups, pints, quarts, and gallons, that's the real oppression! 

It’s the yoke of tyranny, Cheers!!! Coherent decimal systems are the YOKE OF TYRANNY!!!

I love the idea that the metric system is made up, but the imperial system somehow isn't.

Scott Walker in his jeans looks like a guy who might sexually assault someone within the next few minutes. Just saying.

D.C. has officially been turned into a criminal-enterprise version of the Real Housewives. And we’ve now entered the I’m mad at you and I’m spilling your tea part of the season. I’m tickled to hear his secrets but this shit is so embarrassing. 

I have already heard one person say “oh, he is such a liar.” Which is true, overall. But so is Trump. Just because Cohen is a liar doesn’t mean Trump is not. Both can be, and are, liars. But he has documentation of several of the things he’s testified about so people need to accept that liars will also protect

I unfortunately live in Trump country, it’s been pretty quiet as of late. I think most people are embarrassed, but so stubborn that they refuse to admit that they were and are incorrect. They’ll still vote solid Republican of course, so I have nothing but disdain for most politics in the area.

“ a racist, a conman, and a cheat.”

The irony wasn’t lost on me at the time that Mr. Trump in 2011 had strongly criticized President Obama for not releasing his grades. As you can see in Exhibit 7, Mr. Trump declared “Let him show his records” after calling President Obama “a terrible student.”

Aaaand some GOP guys immediately starting to stall Cohen’s hearing.

I know in my brain that all of the crimes that Trump has committed will never matter to his supporters, but this pettiness from his longtime personal lawyer - I am here for it.

When I say conman, I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges, and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores.

Mr. Trump had frequently told me and others that his son Don Jr. had the worst judgment of anyone in the world.

When a man does it, it’s OK. When a woman does it, she’s “emotionally unstable” and “out of control.”

Yep, 100%. It’s the same reason I couldn’t watch the one Trump/Hillary debate where he was stalking around behind her. I’ve lived through that shit enough to recognize it exactly for what it is.

Did anyone else notice that when Senator Feinstein asked him whether he would submit to an FBI investigation if he wanted to clear his name so badly, and his answer was ::turns up volume to 11:: “I WANTED TO TESTIFY THE NEXT DAY! THE NEXT DAY! AND YOU MADE ME WAIT! WHILE THIS CIRCUS DESTROYED MY FAMILY!”


Right? And his life is ruined? He could have just withdrawn his nomination and gone back to his cushy job as a federal judge. He has a lifetime appointment. He’s rich. He’s well connected. Oh, and he’s an accused rapist, but that doesn’t seem like a deal breaker for these people at all. 

He keeps saying “you’ve destroyed my family.” Has Mrs. Kavenaugh filed yet?