
He’s waiting for all the facts, because that’s what smart people do. And he’s really smart, he know all the things and has a really good memory.

I couldn’t help but notice that there aren’t any “GITMO! DEATH SENTENCE!” tweets coming out of the White House. Hmmm.

Every so often I read something about “the President” and for a split second I think it’s about Obama but then the world comes crashing down all over again.

I was born during Pat Nixon’s reign— but was too young to be aware of her, thank glob.

He used the word “apoplectic.” Someone is writing these for him.

Trump absolutely does not know the word “apoplectic”....

This. I’m also a big fan of guys answering the Q (“are you a feminist?”) with “I don’t know” or “I haven’t really thought about it.” Normal men who don’t stay up reading reddit all day are great.

And interrupting you to mansplain it to you. While waxing rhapsodic about their stay at home wife who doesn’t “sub-contract out our childrearing.” Your anecdata checks out.

And, if my anecdata from college can be trusted, approach every self-proclaimed male feminist with a healthy dose of skepticism, as they have a nasty habit of mansplaining feminism to you and/or using it as a buzzword to try to wheedle you into casual sex with them. (Because if you were a good feminist, you’d be

Further confirms my belief that the ideal response you can get when asking a potential male partner “do you believe in feminism/equality” is “uhh... yeah sure, I guess.”

When Martin Shkreli isn’t your worst boyfriend.....yikes. Shit’s rough out there, girls.

Ding ding ding. You must have read the same dumb Business Insider Pearl Clutching Hot Take that I did. Let’s completely ignore the fact that we have a president that has decided to use a (failing) social media platform to incoherently blast out whatever inane, insane, and impulsive idea that pops into his idiot head.

I read it just fine. Maybe chill the fuck out?

I’ve accused him of being an overrated actor who is so insecure that he’s terrified of dating women his own age.

I mean it seems like it. Generally Democrats are a lot better in government than Republicans, and there’s a reason that the last time we had a federal Democratic trifecta we had the most productive congress ever and passed Obamacare, the Fair Pay Act, a stimulus, Dodd-Frank, etc. I mean Tim Kaine made a shitty vote

My uncle and his family immigrated from Syria over 30 years ago. He became a chief level administrator of a major university. His eldest brother got 2 PhDs and taught as an adjunct professor in his spare time. The other sibling are similarly successful.

So, end the program that allowed my husband’s family to move here when he was a child. Got it. I always hate this man and everything he stands for, but it’s extra fun sometimes to be reminded of the ways in which my family is everything he hates.

The fact that he did this in front of his daughter solidified in my mind that the dude is a raving sociopath. That isn’t just the actions of a morally depraved douche. It takes being seriously screwed in the head to sexually harass a woman and force her to eat a sausage in front of your daughter.

And he can’t just use