
She should have started eating it horizontally, like an ear of corn - like Amy Farrah Fowler, because “That’s how good girls eat a banana”.

Mommy gets to be alone in the tub! Most special reward. (Once I was taking a bath and my husband, two sons and our dog, a great dane mix ended up in the bathroom.)

No, Dubya’s.

“.....being aggressively British.” That is hilarious and perked my afternoon right up. The next time my husband gets himself wound up about something, I’m going to tell him he’s being aggressively British.

I need to see video. For, you know, research purposes.

I’m down with Hugh Grant in most of his iterations but I cannot FUCKING STAND ANDIE MCDOWELL. And what makes her so infuriating for me is that she always plays this elusive, precious, golden vagina’d goddess that some male lead finds sacred - even though she’s shown no sign of a personality other than looking at

Agreed. Although, a lot of times I don’t feel like I’m functioning in the world very well.

I don’t like it when my boyfriend grabs my ass in public let alone strangers.

I love the one of the spiderman kid shooting imaginary spiderwebs at Obama.

Man, Batgirl speaks for every woman alive today.

Fat drug addict attempts to fat shame children

I think it’s great (awful) that there can be MONTHS of links of Trumps, Grabby Ol Perverts (GOP), and campaign supporters with Russia and they deny deny deny. But the MOMENT that even one loosely linked thread -might- tie anything to Democrats to Russia, the public is immediately bombarded with “SEE!! WASNT US!! IT

There is no way I would ever let any child of mine near this vile man.

As with everything Donny Two Scoops, there’s just so much to unpack. He’s ranting about the DISHONEST MEDIA to children. This is one seriously fucked up bipedal mammal. I am ashamed to share 15 percent of my DNA with him.

If you had come to me a decade ago and told me, “hey, in 2017 tons of Republican politicians are going to be sucking up to what Reagan used to call the Evil Empire” I would have had you locked up.

Concerned Princess Leia and Repulsed Batgirl are all of us.

In my opinion- saying that people change over time isn’t ageist, it’s a fact (says the middle-aged lady). You know what’s ageist? When people pile on someone like Madonna for “not dressing her age” or “trying too hard: sad” for wearing the same kind of concert and gala gear as starlets. My response is along the lines

I’m 55, and unless you’re over 50,

I am a burn survivor (I have discussed aspects of my story in Gawker/Jez over the past decade from time to time). I was burned, third degree over 75% of my body in a housefire/ explosion in 2000. I spent the next ten years undergoing over 120 surgeries (countless reconstructions, grafts, neurological reconstructions,