
Some talking head made the excellent point that he can call it ObamaCare all he wants, but he now owns it completely, and it’s failure will be attributed to him and not Obama.

You motherfucker.

So Rusty is a pre-internet troll? I should have sympathy for him but fuck that, you don’t deport people because you’re mad, sad and lonely. That’s some psycho shit.


Just look at this creepy fuck. Was there ever any doubt about him being some kind of sexual predator? He has a very rapey look about him.

I want Hayley Atwell to be a Jane Bond, since that would be like getting more Agent Carter.

What the hell are Michigan and Wisconsin doing with the good States?

Maybe the trick is to convince Trump he is ONLY president of the US Virgin Islands.....

I mean, it’s called the fucking U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS! It’s not even a thing you had to have learned at any point that it’s part of the U.S., it’s right there in the name.

I have a couple very vocal Dump supporters on my facebook who have been more than happy to get all twisted up over the NFL, Eminem and how the fake news is just soooooooooooo mean to him. Yet they’ve all become oddly silent over his defunding the ACA. The optimistic part of me wants to believe that they are seeing the

Make your political leanings as plain as possible in any online comment you make about healthcare, the environment, taxes, etc.And as Lemming said: keep calling! And writing letters. Join your local Indivisible, or Move On, or Our Revolution group. Go to the Dem’s monthly r semi monthly meetings. Register to vote.

I feel the same way. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and live in Kentucky (the land of Old-ass Turtle and his pal Fake Eye Doctor). I’m so glad we have a liberal Attorney General and one liberal House rep, otherwise I’d have no hope whatsoever.

It makes me laugh how they have challenges based on sponsor’s products, from Dixie Cups to cars to Glade Plug-In air fresheners. Somehow Tim is very good at presenting the challenges as logical and dignified. He is worth whatever they pay him.

Last week I felt like I had taken crazy pills when the judges creamed themselves over that uninspired outfit Claire “designed.” I presume the whole win was a setup because they knew she was cheating and wanted to goat the others into making a scene - it was poorly done though and looked super contrived (even more so

A large part of the conservative base wants this, because “free market.” They want poors to be priced out of the market and die, so they can feel better about the privileges their own hard work grants them. They’re fucking monsters, and they justify their monstrosity with proclamations of “think of the the money it

We didn’t lose this election because of Trump voters. We lost this election because of liberals who spent an unbelievable amount of time and energy convincing other liberals not to vote or to vote 3rd party. But you can’t blame them. Sure, we have a spiteful toddler running the country and untold numbers of people are

So incredibly angry right now, I don’t have the words. This all could have been avoided. You hit the nail on the head. People didn’t vote. People decided Trump and Clinton were the same. Clinton didn’t “earn” their vote. This the result.

Hey all y’all who didn’t vote, here are the consequences of elections. Neil Gorsuch, implosion of one-sixth of the economy, pre-emptive war, indifference from DoJ to anyone not in power, and tax cuts for rich people are on the menu because of your inaction.

But guys, he helped them too.