
Donald the Bitch is going to find out they’re American citizens when they all register to vote on the mainland.


He doesn’t know that P.R. is a part of MAGA!!!!!

Poor Lindsay, this girl needs help.

As if having daughters ever stopped anyone from attacking women....

trump would be lucky to hit 80.

Yeah I can imagine his response. It would start with “fake” and end with “news” and his supporters would believe it, repeat it, and then claim with zero irony or shame that Killery would have scored lower.

The fact that he’s challenging anyone to an IQ test automatically knocks off 20 points.

I have. It’s a first-grade spelling word and my first graders would commonly misspell it on their pretests.

This sounds about right to me. Tillerson has spent a career dealing with the type of complex, multi-layer problems that keep your mind limber for the thinking required for a standard IQ test.

I’ve.... never seen the word “little” spelled with two ds and an apostrophe before. I think I’m just going to crawl into this bottle and stay here for awhile.

I would easily drop $100 on a pay-per-view to watch Donny Two Scoops take an IQ test live.

A 100 IQ never kept anyone from being President.

I’ve posted before, but it bears repeating- He doesn’t give a fuck about us out here because he lost this state in the general election by a considerable margin. One might even say bigly.

I’d guess that Tillerson would score around 120 or 130, no idea but it sounds reasonable to me. trump would be lucky to hit 80.

I would pay to watch 45 taking IQ test life and fail.

I didn’t know I needed this, but I need Vegas to set odds on this. And a spread. And prop bets.

“I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests,” he told Forbes. “And I can tell you who is going to win.”

I’m disappointed - but in no way surprised -that no other Republicans are willing to go on record backing Corker on the obvious. FFS, he’s provided all the cover anyone would need, but noooo.... It’s party before country for all these fuckers.