
OMG. You must report back to us about her!! (Pretty please with sugar)

As would I. Perhaps we could start a new chapter.

I immediately thought that he must wear loafers.

You poor thing! I haven’t lost mine yet, but when my daughter was about two, I locked her in the car with the car running and heater going in the winter, along with my purse, keys (obviously), and my cell. My husband had already left for work and our house door, so there was no going back inside to call for help.

I love that laminate! Reminds me of my grandparents’ house. I absolutely would buy a house that still had it!

How does that happen?

Well, to be fair, I’m not sure Melania can actually move her face any more. 45 is just an asshole.

Should be mandatory reading for every citizen.

This is pretty much how I feel about being pro-choice. I don’t think it’s a choice that I could make for me if everything is healthy and going along great. I am baby crazy, and I’m settled in life. There are certainly other circumstances in which I would make the choice to abort.

Unless he feels like blowing off some steam at a gas station in the wee hours.

More appealing to her dad

He looks like he just smelled the nastiest fart in the history of farts.

Maybe he’s watched the movies?

As a child, every time the national news showed a picture of Brezhnev, I could not tear my eyes away from those eyebrows. My god, they are mesmerizing.

That is absolutely amazing.

Dear god, can you imagine how nasty that would be?

This is absolutely amazing!! I can’t believe she can’t get funding. Does she have a website?

Holy cow...give a warning before you post such a scary picture!!!

I think it’s most like treatment-resistant lice.

To my eyes, it looks like it would end up through my cervix and into my uterus. I don’t feel the need for that experience, even with lube.