
When I've had shoes like that I make them talk to me like a puppet until I either get them repaired or throw them away. It's the little things in life.


Speaking of Zoolander references. I made a blue steel reference to my husband the other day, and he just stared at me blankly. I said, “you know, ‘blue steel’ from Zoolander, his best look.” Still blank. Then I realized that he had never seen it. How can we have been married for nine years and together for eleven, and

Fellow old here. I have no idea who these two are either. I kept thinking I would find their names somewhere. Either way, that’s a whole lotta look going on.

I did the same thing. After you AND the other.

I prefer to call them assholes. Alt-right sounds like a keyboard shortcut.

That is on point for Alabama, though.

That’s just bama bangs. All white dudes down there have this hairstyle. Even elementary school boys.

I’m one of those people...except for the pesky other people’s money part.

For me, as the punchability factor rises, paradoxically, so does my enjoyment of the episode.

This is literally the second thing today (!) that I read by Tom Arnold that I thought “hey, I think I kind of think he’s pretty cool.”

It really is.

This is so good I’m crying.

Those stools are awesome!

My mom used to make these shadow boxes! She would personalize them for the recipient, too. (I even had a kiddie themed one in my bedroom). I haven’t thought about those things in years!

The answer is no.

Can you blame him? Winona is ageless.

Now that I've viewed the videos, I would like the opportunity to win $1 million so that I may test your premise.

I agree. Like is there a written quiz I can take or essay I can write to get out of the grays?

Don't feel bad. The only blue pill I could come up with was viagra. 😳