
Nice title!

I look forward to her tell all memoir in the future.

There’s no way that kid is anything other than homeschooled.

All the stars to you! I'm dying over here!

What's up with the lady in the floral(?) print at the bottom? She is completely cracked up.

Thanks. The corporate world really sucks.

Assholes, indeed. Sorry about your dad and grandmother. What a rough year you and your family have had.

My brother committed suicide last year. My husband’s manager needed to see a copy of the obituary to give him a day off to go to the funeral. Never mind the fact that the only time I’ve ever called him at work was when I was in hysterics the day my brother was found. If you think your staff is untrustworthy, Google

It looks to me like he’s doing everything he can to not vomit from PDA overexposure.

I doubt they need a day.

Same. I keep getting closer and closer to moving to somewhere with cold weather because of this, though.

I am heartbroken.

Seriously, what is your reason for backing into a space? I’m not being snarky, just trying to understand. Backing out is about a trillion times simpler than backing in (to me), but if you’ve got the skill set. more power to you.

I have to draw the line at sharing a bathroom with a motor vehicle. 😜 (do you call parking spaces stalls where you come from? Here stalls are in a barn or a bathroom.)

Right there with you. I want to throat punch BOTH the hoverers and those paranoid freaks who do that stupid backing into parking spots so they can make a quick exit.

Those aren't beenie weenies. They're Vienna Sausages. (Shudder.)

Lincoln AND Lee? Am I seeing that correctly?

I am a UT graduate and Tennessee native, so I know your neck of the woods well. Knoxville is beautiful this time of year. It’s a great part of the country if you’re into outdoorsy stuff.

Depends on what part of the south you moved to. Some cities down here are now so full of transplants from other places that the whole everybody knows everybody else vibe is long gone.

Boudoir shots with the dead...I like where you're going with this.