AMGtech - now with more recalls!

I was with you up until the part about Florida.

No kidding. I read it three times just to make sure I hadn’t suddenly developed dyslexia.

Clearly this car delivery guy has a day job and just delivers cars on the side.

Well, don’t forget to add that tinfoil wrap to your hat... ;-)

The HOAs tried to mess with me, but fuck the HOAs. I came up with a plan so I can have four cars. I do have to rent a space at a storage place for my orange 240Z because I won’t street park that. HOAs are dicks and are full of shit, people with a grey prius in the 24 hour only guest spaces get no attention but the

A 2013 CLK? Nope. The last year they made them was 2010. Replaced by the E coupe, which used the C class chassis and E class running gear.

not in any way as bad as you think.

Your wife is a monster

I’m not asking for much, but still can’t have it. An 88-90 Pontiac Grand Prix, exactly like the pic below. Can’t have it because the usual reasons - kids, wife, budget for an extra project car. And also because it has “I’ll choke you out” auto seatbelts.

Y’all are some whipped motherfuckers.

Bollinger B1.

Tanks are not on wheels... technically. Buy one

I may be in the minority here, but the sheer quantity of vents and angles makes for one unbalanced and homely car... my opinion, take it as you will.

I know you almost definitely meant Satan but Stan is SO much funnier in context.

It’s kinda nice looking, but mostly meh... Seems to me like they’re stuck in the early 2000-s Underground 2 bubble.

Twitter *could* set his account so it could no longer block or mute anyone in the US.

Based on experience, men have difficulty gauging sizes of things and very little fine spatial awareness.

I still don’t understand why this isn’t just the CLS.