AMGtech - now with more recalls!

Nah, I disagree about the ‘loveable’ bit. David is consistently a fool, consistently making bad decisions and showing very little common sense. Consistently. It angers me. And now I read his articles to be angered.

That’s nothing; I heard that Ducati’s coming out with a line of one-wheeled tricycles.

OK so I understand the Mercedes-AMG GT 63(S). And I understand not having an Mercedes-AMG CLS63(S).

To call this a production vehicle is also a bit of a stretch. They built a total of what 6 Concept Ones? They claim they will build 100 C Two’s. I’ll believe that when they are built and 100 cars is not really “production”.

Eh, I’d call it a million-dollar car that happens to go fast, not a car that costs a million dollars because it is fast. There’s (hopefully) a bit more going on to justify the price. And I think it’s worth noting that an electric car is capable of doing this, when barely 20 years ago the only reliable or noteworthy

“Street” tires.

If I were to guesstimate, I’d say ~5 seconds wouldn’t be too far off to hit 100, as it takes longer and longer to hit higher and higher speeds.

Also noteworthy: its price was not in the millions of dollars.

We live in a world where a cop who gets caught on video being friendly is disciplined while others that get caught on video actually murdering people are unpunished.

That was a wheelie ballsy move!

Yes! The delay with the touchpad is infuriating. Me and my wife used it once or twice and were just like fuck this thank God the knob is there.

I actually don’t like what they are doing with the lower sections of the front bumper on AMG trims... I’m just not a fan of the Wallace and Grommet look:

And on second glance, this is still a terrible idea. Someone has taken a near bulletproof drivetrain and swapped it out for something that has half the performance, half the range, all the downsides of charging a battery pack and added 400 lbs to the weight of the vehicle. What part of this is a good deal???

I know that, but the discussion was about the reason why we europeans dont buy those kinda trucks. Also, your argument is a question of how you define “making sense”. Buying a smaller, more economical car would still make sense in Texas because it gets you from A to B just as fine and with just as much comfort and

Honest question: how does anyone think this asshole knows what he is doing?

The real fix is a PCV system that doesn’t allow the crap into the intake to get stuck on the valves in the first place - and now that DI engines are in their second and third generations that seems to be done. Having two separate injection systems is silly - double the expense, twice as many things to go wrong. I’d

An 06 Prius? Ok I’m sorry that car has no redeeming qualities other than fuel economy. If Guantanamo bay were made Of mostly hard plastic with a few soft plastics mixed in eclectically, I’d describe the interior of that car as Guantanamo bay. The steering feel is non existent. You may as well be rotating that small

Car notorious to be fun is indeed fun, more at 11.