AMGtech - now with more recalls!

But I can somewhat excuse him

This is how socialism finds work for everyone.

I’m only 5'8 and I have never even cared.

so much for judgement free zone thanks to assholes like you

But it’s a sick kind of hilarious watching the 25k Harleys pull up for the DMV test, utterly unsuited for riding a tight circle, toppling over and becoming 15k Harleys before the owner even has a license.

The E55 isn’t really a car you get chauffeured in, it’s a little too small for that. You want the S-Class for that, with the extended wheelbase and giant backseat area. The E55 AMG was always more of a driver’s car (as far as Mercedes goes) that was meant to compete with the BMW E60 M5. The E60 M5 made 500hp from a

I “left” my church around age 16, but it took my parents a couple years longer. I put “left” in quotes because I simply requested to work the 10-2 shift on Sundays at the radio station I worked at, so I had a legitimate excuse for not going to church. I am just not wired to have faith and was raised in the Assemblies

I’m an ex-Mo too and you’re right - it’s so hard. My mom is still super devote and 50% of the time, she’s critical of my choice or she makes snide comments. Like last night, she said “Here’s some treats you can use for Family Home Evening” knowing full well that my kids have swim team every night (and that we’ve NEVER

I have a friend whose father is a preacher or pastor or priest or something (I can’t remember the religion, some kind of Christian) and one day his daughter realized she couldn’t be a church leader and they BOTH left the church. I think now they are both Episcopalians and they’ve been letting women be priests for 43

This story has been percolating in the ex-Mormon community for a while now. The mom actually is out and has been out for some time. I get the impression she’s been keeping a toe in the water, though, to appease her still-believing family. It’s hard to keep families intact when leaving the Church, since you can’t

Shit happens... it’s entirely possible that the bellypan looked perfectly ok, but the fiberglass was cracking around the mounts under the paint.

I’ve never had one, but I’ve had a couple friends with them.

I’m soo shocked they have weird complaints that never pan out, that’s never happened to me.

I think you’re conflating serviceability with reliability.

Apparently, he would rather struggle from underneath and get filthy instead of being comfortable up top and stay a lot cleaner.

He knows what he’s looking at. And to professional techs like him and myself, that is not that big of a deal, especially when you consider the space constraints modern cars have.

Just start calling them “fartliners” or “freightshakers” whenever they try to give you advice. “Go back to working on your fartliners joe!”