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But I ran track. Why am I being left out of this? That’s discrimination.

But I ran track. Why am I being left out of this? That’s discrimination.


I bought an XKR convertible a couple weeks ago. The other day I was getting gas when a little old lady (80ish) pulled up behind me in a lovely white Benz SEC. We’re talking like 4'10'’, curly grey hair, cardigan, the whole deal. She comes up, says ‘Wow, what a beautiful car, can I take a look?’ I tell her of course,

“Dear Penthouse, you’ll never believe what happened to me the other day...”

My wife and I are walking in to a brewery. She’s wearing a t-shirt with a BMW 2002 on it. As we enter, a guy sitting at the corner of the bar asks “Cool shirt, do you have a 2002?”

Back in a December, some friends and I went down to Daytona for the Ferrari Finali Mondiali. As we were taking photos of the 1200+ Ferrari’s in attendance (yes, 1200), some guy approaches us and the conversation basically goes like this:

I was broke down on the side of the highway due to an alternator failure (and a shit battery, didn’t even get me the 2 miles to the exit). This was in my 1994 Legacy GT.

This dude came by with a 1992 Legacy SS with a cage and racing livery on the back of a trailer. The dude took the alternator from his race car and

It’s not “fundamental to air travel”. God didn’t reach out from heaven and scribe down on a sacred stone tablet that “Thou shalt not tranfer seats!”

I have mixed feelings, so many feelings.

Put that 300d unit in here and we’ll talk MB.

Story/confession time: A few weeks after a young Shop Teacher received his freshly minted driver’s license, my family went on a vacation. This was exceedingly rare for my family, and for the first time ever I was allowed to bring a friend. We went to visit an old friend of my dad’s and stay in his cabin in the woods

“until everyone collectively agrees to pay more to keep our roads in tip-top shape, they’re going to continue to be a mess”

How about these shitlords build them properly in the first place, instead of trying to jerk each other off with budget games and making roads a jobs program instead.

“until everyone collectively agrees to pay more to keep our roads in tip-top shape, they’re going to continue to be a mess”

I thought America was great again? When was that suppose to happen?

Reminds me of my youth, when we pranked a relatively new coworker by calling him (no caller ID in those days!) and asking him for a price of a water pump for a 1970 Beetle.

Same in the Big 3 plants.