AMGtech - now with more recalls!

I love seeing women in big engineering roles, too. I met Caitlin Bunt last year, who’s training with an Infiniti F1 academy for engineering this year. The coolest thing.

Sounds like my family! I love cars, my husband loves cars, and our daughter will probably love cars. She was at her first C+C at a week old and was autocrossing in utero. You can start a built Z06 next to her indoors and she won’t be scared. My mom-mobile is a 500 Abarth and she rides in the back with a roll bar

When a woman writes about cars on the internet, there are plenty of people who respect her words. But there are also

There is a HD pack available with a rear locker and low range. They all have center diff locks.

The most frustrating part of being car enthusiast is not being surrounded by other enthusiasts with the same lifestyle. A die hard sports fan? They get awesome bars with a 100 screens so they can all get together and watch their favorite thing on tv. They have teams in every major city and get to watch them every week

I wouldn’t be surprised if that Audi hydro-locked seconds after that video, the intake was under water.

I can’t laugh at that. Hits too close to home.

This is terrible. I am an instructor with pca and bmwcca. These places have always made me nervous. They seem to run minimal if any corner crew, don’t think they have an ambulance on site, and the entire object is to get people who have little to no experience going as fast as possible in the shortest amount of time

People have to start refusing to comply. Every person who goes along with it makes it more difficult for the rest and emboldens the agents to be as heavy handed as they feel they can get away with

Just because someone is not wired exactly the same as you (or exactly like you ;) ) does not mean they have some pathology. If they need mental health help, I can think of several better places to get it than a priest, since statistically they’re likely to get raped if they’re of a certain age and gender.

Your average runner inflicts more pain on themselves than most people involved in BDSM. Any sort of contact sport can give you just as many bruises. Do you also condescendingly tell athletes to stop doing what they enjoy?

There’s a correlation between participating in BDSM and better mental health. It’s not clear which

Sorry, but you’re simply ignorant. I use the word “ignorant” neutrally. You’re mistaken and uneducated. There’s an important difference between “hurt” and “harm”. Pain is pleasurable to some people. If a person enjoys pain, it’s “love” to give him what he wants and needs. But, like a physician, the cardinal rule for

These actually sell fairly well. Benz has a hardcore group of rich buyers who love these, hence why they keep bringing them here.


Yes, wear a shirt with a slogan on it. Yes, put a bumper sticker on your car. Yes, flood your social media feed with


I get the interior is conservatively styled, but come on, you’re way overboard on how cheap it is. The interiors are very well put together and the only hard plastics are around the buttons. And where the hell are you getting the “power window button just fell off?” These cars are rock solid, completely the opposite

Former C63 owner here, just sold my 2008 in December with almost 110k on the clock.