AMGtech - now with more recalls!

Funny story... way back when (late 7o’s, early ‘80s?) I was setting the timing on one of my junkers and while holding the timing light I noticed that the fan didn’t seem to be moving, so I reached over to find out why... fortunately my fingers healed up well. Learned a bit more about strobes that day...

I’m deathly terrified of the turn signal.

Oh hell, even if you weren’t wasting time on Jalopnik daily (as am I, of course), you probably see a bunch of VWs daily. West Virginia doesn’t enter my consciousness too frequently, since I live on the opposite side of the country.

Pedantry ahead: You refer to the car as the “Griffin” in the headline and first paragraph, before switching to the correct “Griffith” thereafter.


I catch a lot of shit from people whenever I say this, but I’ll say it again anyway... I know the universal speed limit is the speed of light, but we have a long history of both overcoming what we understand to be limitations and rewriting what we thought were limitations but actually weren’t.

Traveling faster than light is almost certainly impossible.

Sorry, Han Solo and Mr. Sulu. Based on everything we know right now, you’ll never be able to punch a button and travel through “hyperspace,” or go to warp speed.

I know of this great writer named Sean. He writes really informative and interesting articles. He's really broadened my view on all forms of transportation.

Police dogs and I’m sure children too have DIED by virtue of being in a car when the AC fails. Do you trust the life of the most important person in the world to you to a Chinese made part built by the lowest bidder by slave labor? Not just no but FUCK NO

The problem is middle management to middle management, so I cheated and went to the top of the food chain and scheduled a meeting. Problem solved! My mid manager asked what it was about and I just blew it off as “oh you know, stuff?”

Is this a trick question? BMW pretty much unanimously makes garbage interiors for their price point. Even today after “selling out” to better compete with Merc and Audi.

Too right. It was my first job out of school, so I knew better for the next time (actually this was the only job that ever tried to pull that crap, so I got lucky from then on).

This. I freelance now, but before that time I worked for a design company that made this common practice. The gifts were nice too, and were certainly distracting. After a particularly grueling 3-month period of bad/non-existent management wherein our small design team regularly worked 12-hour days and more than a few

The vibrant colors of many of Vincent van Gogh’s most famous paintings—including his Sunflower series—have been fading over the last 100 years.

the law is just a small speed bump in a corporation’s pursuit of reclaiming profit.

So they’re postulating Methane sand dunes. Coool.