AMGtech - now with more recalls!

Jeff Bezos is pleased.

Why list a real weapon when you can spend a Saturday morning streeeeetching to make utility items into weapons!

OP makes fun of daewoo car domain page, links the thread to said page. Owner comes to defend his shitbox. What comes next is 22 pages of the darkest depths of humanity in the form of pure terrible hilarity.

MB Augusta!

Isn’t this type of reasoning exactly why they’re in the position they’re in, though? Seems like if you thought the Brutale was amazing, you would want to support the company making it.

Land Rover badges are cool.

Your car must be secure but your phone can’t be according to the FBI.

Really — you intuited the last unproven piece of general relativity when you were a child? Wow — what did you go on to do after that? How many Nobels you got there, bro?

If these companies want this tech to take off, they should make sure Best Buy and Walmart have multiple display units shipped to them and set up at all times. I’m not going to buy something on a whim, for $800-$2,000 that I haven’t tried and have no way to try. Most everyone I see preordering these now are simply kids

Whoa whoa whoa, hold on there good buddy. They could easily run a higher compression ratio in the current engine design. They do not, because higher compression ratio means hotter combustion and thus even MORE NOx, which is the chief emissions concern in this particular scandal. Opposed piston diesel engines are more

He was found to be running software that made it look like he was working whenever his boss was checking, while really he was making kettle chips. One VW HR manager is claimed to have stated: “It was the single most blatant example of dishonesty that we at Volkswagen have ever experienced from a member of our team, we

I live in Michigan. Trails through the UP in winter are marked better than roadways. Flying along a trail 80-100 mph for miles and miles frees my mind. It's hard to think about anything else when trees are flying by at that speed. In the middle of nowhere.

I’m not sure I buy that France isn’t too familiar with Donald Trump’s political positions. Not only have they received extensive media coverage, but there have been 11 Republican presidential primary debates so far, of which Trump has appeared at 10, along with many more Trump rallies with which to familiarize

“Before I start, I want you to understand that this is not a judgment upon your own character.”


Don’t judge me! That’s the terminology the FAA uses!

If the FAA and White House were doing their jobs, he wouldn’t have flown.

The same thing that happened to Friends, Surge soda, and The Spin Doctors: the 90s ended and no one cared anymore.

Because they tried it already and it didn’t work...granted Mercedes really should have put sliding doors on this.