AMGtech - now with more recalls!

If you put Diesel in a gas car, it will get pissed off and run like crap, worse as you go up in concentration, up to and including a crank/no start condition, but not usually any permanent damage. The rules change when putting Gasoline in a diesel vehicle. In most cases where heui injectors are involved, you’re buying

Here’s an idea: Leave the damn cars ALONE! They’re not yours, and unless you’re from code enforcement, they’re not your concern.

Fun fact: In 1999 Felix Baumagartner, parachutist and all around crazy guy, base-jumped off the statue. At a mere 95 feet above the mountaintop it remains the lowest base jump ever performed. However, with the parachute deployed he cleared the mountaintop and continued down the side. He climbed up a rope he shot over

If I see a guy dressed in all black wearing a mask videoing a well known tourist spot and he’s wearing a back pack....someone is being called to at least do a quick search.

Slight correction- I think in his original quote he was referring to his hair.

1) not every Subaru is a WRX. the base Impreza and Legacy I drove were total snoozes.

Whenever I see things like this here I always wonder if it’s due to really poor grammar or the strange gremlins that the Kinja system seems to have when you attempt to cut and paste. In this instance I'm going with mostly the gremlins... but it wouldn't hurt if there was more proofreading going on here.

And the GLC has more room than the GLK both for occupants and cargo.

I’d like us all to realize that I accidentally referred to the SUVs (GLC and GLK) and not the new cars (SLC and SLK) and none of us noticed or made a big deal about it. Thanks for going along with it <3

I’m always baffled by the excuse “within company limits”. What limits? Are they in writing? Is there a specification? The dealer must have those documents if they can state it’s outside company limits. Why can’t I see these documents?

Definitely. When you trade your truck to a legitimate dealership, there is an expectation that the dealership will not falsely represent themselves as an agent of your company by driving it with the company logos. The seller also expects that the dealership will not sell the vehicle to someone else who falsely

I do knot think this wood be a very poplar car.

I like everything going on here

Jaguar XJ-R Supercharged, Buy it Now for $15,950 obo.

Yep, never saw anybody else in the parking lots, Nothing to hit but poles.