AMGtech - now with more recalls!

As the owner of a 10 year old AMG Mercedes, had I bought coverage when I got it at 4 years old, it wouldn't have been worth it.

2 disc rotors, 1 bowling ball and a vise => welding jig

Wow our own Gov't doesn't care about our infrastructure? I wish they could get their act together. I will gladly vote for anyone who will put money into roads and less into say their own pockets?

It's got nothing to do with anything you mentioned. If you are used to having certain things, it is your responsibility to check for them before you buy the car. EVERY trunk I open in any new car in my family, the first thing I do is lift the trap door, just to see if there's a spare or what, if anything is down

It's sort of telling that the best comparison for a 2014 Chevy is a 2000 BMW.

>know exactly how everything worked

So you don't know how lambda sensors work? Because they're a lot simpler than float bowls.

>how to fix it using the tool kit that came with the vehicle

And now you're officially full of it. I'd -love- to see you swap the head on a car using the tool kit that came with it.

Also you can't

Not trying to talk from a "high horse standpoint" here, but I kind of feel that the attitude towards the car on that specific dealership is a bit of "Bro, it's a Corvette!"

Dealers get a bad rap, but its the few that tarnish the many IMO. Ived been treated poorly by a dealership in the past, but the truth is most of the techs who work there are just like anyone else: they work hard, do the best they can, and take responsibility when theyre wrong. The few bad apples cast a long shadow,

Nope, I'd ask you to bring in a video of the issue, showing the speedometer and the steering wheel, and any other evidence of a malfunction. Where you do that speed is your business, of course. Failing that, I'd take other measures, like checking the wheel balance on a high speed balancer. No way am I ever getting in

Wouldn't it be easier to impose regulations and increase standards on driving tests across the country? Why not solve the problem (train and educate drivers) instead of trying to put a band-aid on it? Just a thought.

I'm genuinely disappointed that Gizmodo would even give these people the spotlight they're begging for. Irresponsible journalism.

Please don't retweet that...

Friend bought a Chevy panel side van sight unseen before moving back to the States from Norway and I go with him to pick it up. It was previously used as a work van for a plumbing company so it's full of crap and the previous owner tells us to just it toss along the fence and leaves. As we're cleaning it out we see a

My personal favorite reason why you should buy a luxury car for dd use is because the previous owner who bought the car brand new at $40,000-100,000 usually takes better care of it than a $20,000 honda civic owner.

With respect to BMW, I disagree vehemently on number 3. BMWs are specifically designed NOT to survive the test of the secondhand owner. BMWs are specifically designed to create demand for new BMWs. Period. They are designed not to last. (Please note I did not say "they are not designed to last". I said