AMGtech - now with more recalls!

Avoid ABC.

Yes, 4matic adds some weight but is definitely worth it if you think you will need it and most people can’t tell the difference in economy or performance. It will certainly not be the first thing that fails. In fact, 4matic is very rarely problematic and even reduces the number of front suspension issues a car will

Later the better most definitely.

I’m 30 and if I wasn’t married I would totally try this. With so much safety gear I could hardly move probably.

The driver lost control in the first place because he was trying to catch a pokemon.

96 Range Rover with an overheating issue. Well, not overheating exactly, but it would often run just shy of the red mark on the temp gauge.

Maybe he was just trying to figure out if your car would make a good addition to his dodgeball team.

Since you told the whole world about that one, try ‘stupidru’ instead. Don’t worry, no one will see this comment.

Well at least that might make housing a lot cheaper.

Oh trust me, I know all about that.

Isn’t Portland in constant fear of “ THE BIG ONE” from the Cascadia Subduction Zone?

I strongly suspect a major flaw in the methodology used here. Having spent half my life around GM vehicles and a quarter of my career with Land Rovers, there is no way in hell that Rovers cost basically the same to own, not even remotely close. I think the general idea here is close-ish, but I wouldn’t give it to much

Good job taking the practical road. I was expecting either an ad for carmax or to be tavarished.

Evans crying in extra gear felt scripted and fake. Do away with Evans, and extra gear. Move Rory and Harris over to the main show. Really still not sure how Eddie Jordan and Sabine fit in, neither one of them seems comfortable on the show and they aren’t big enough roles to feel needed.

Eddie Jordan. Not Eddie George.

“London”is most definitely NOT how you spell “Florida”.

Technically I’m a millennial. I couldn’t listen to more than ten seconds. Please tell me I fail at being a millennial.

But the thalmor have outlawed the worship of talos...

It’s funny you mention Tesla, their shifter is actually a Mercedes part (as are a lot of their parts).