
You mean, “It wasn’t me,” right?

I have thought about this a lot as well. What I want to do is tell them the story of Santa with all the magic and then tell them that some people believe and some don’t. They get to choose. I’ve never met a person permanently scarred by finding out Santa wasn’t real. I plan to do this with religion as well. Educate

Fleabag was so well done it doesn’t need a second season. It was a perfect little masterpiece. I’m excited for more but hesitant about dragging it out. Everything felt resolved for me, even if things weren’t technically resolved. 

Ugh. THIS. I had a customer who over the phone said the following exact words to me:

Just men and fetuses.

He took advantage of their minds and bodies AND charged them $ for it. I cannot even handle my lack of faith in humanity right now.

I cut my dad and his entire side of the family out of my life for being racist, homophobic, sexist bigots almost 8 years ago. Trump wasn’t even in the picture then. I was 19. I can’t count how many heated conversations I had trying to change the beliefs they held before I formally estranged myself and blocked all