I’ve been going back and forth on what the most mind-blowing part of the Super Mario Bros. The Movie Archive is.…
I’ve been going back and forth on what the most mind-blowing part of the Super Mario Bros. The Movie Archive is.…
I thought Horizon: Zero Dawn’s soundtrack was an atmospheric triumph. Somber string melodies throughout always hinting towards the world long gone, electronic beats whenever the player was exploring some long lost lab or military base, and a traditional style for the new more primitive world.
Hasbro just needs to start selling token packs. How many people are going to rebuy monopoly just for pieces?
What a creatively named game *rolls eyes*.
The premise sounds cool, but like others have mentioned, it would get boring pretty fast without any kind of goal or progression. I love the idea of various creepy environments too. Snowy mountain roads, bayou, forest, etc.
They also really need a Semi Truck to chase you in a…
Matthew McConaughey once said that sometimes you need to go back to move forward. The team at DICE must have been…
I read the entire NCAA complaint last night at my local Chili’s. Only took me about 30 seconds to finish AND clean up!
Be still, the hearts of Elder Scrolls fans.
Our favorite games are often the ones that made us feel these really cool, powerful things. How’d you feel when you…
Two months ago, Redditor NoohjXLVII wrote a post thanking Bethesda for Fallout 4, which helped take his mind off…
It’s not uncommon for home and handheld consoles to get a drastic makeover in the years after their launch.…
I’m not the biggest fan of traditional sports games. What I really enjoy are the wackier takes on popular pastimes…
Track: We Can Work It Out | Artist: Stevie Wonder | Album: Signed, Sealed & Delivered
The hardest part of open-world games, for me, is paying attention to the plot instead of getting distracted by all…
My name’s Narelle, and I’ve crawled my way from the Upside Down known as TAY to be your Guest Weekend Editor.…
Destiny’s story has been a punchline since the game came out. Story? What story? Destiny has a story? Good joke! And…