
I'm glad you enjoyed ME3. The ending didn't bother me either and I had a blast playing the game. I'm interested in seeing what Bioware is going to put out there to deal with the backlash. I agree about the battles. Some of them were pretty rough when the Banshees and Brutes got involved. I think I had to do a bit more

I agree. And I would happily put out the cash if there were a re-issued, updated collection including that game and some of the great Disney/Capcom and Disney/Sega games from the 8-bit/16-bit days. (If there already has been and I've missed it, then shame on me)

If pre-owned games are killing core games, then those game companies need to take a look at their own business models. If they are against it, then pull your games from rental stores and the stores that sell used games since they are 'killing' you, and convert to an all digital format. Problem solved.

What's wrong with the niche markets? It is the never ending battle between bottom lines and the creative process. It would be a shame if balance sheets and market trends and 'what the other guy is doing' completely overshadow making quality, compelling games. It makes you think of all the great TV shows that get

I literally just completed Portal for the first time (I know I'm behind on playing games) about 5 minutes ago. This looks fantastic. Too bad I wouldn't have anywhere to put the thing in my apartment...

If it were based on the show, there would have to be a "Somebody keep a damn eye on Carl!" mini-game :) Jokes aside, this looks like it could be a good game.

That's an impressive trailer. Lots of action and I loved seeing some of the old school Vipers and Cylon ships that remind me of the original BSG. I hope that the show can live up to it. But it's BSG, so I'll at least give it a shot :)

I just picked up Epic Mickey yesterday. I know it is an imperfect game but there's some neat stuff in it plus the kids like it. Power of Illusion? That instantly brings back fond memories of playing Castle of Illusion on the Genesis and Game Gear.

That was definitely the most satisfying use of the tool in the game.

I'd say they should have complied more than enough feedback within the first couple days that would have told them what people thought about the ending. I'd much rather they stuck to their guns and said 'the ending is what it is, but here's what's next,' than to keep teasing and jerking around the fans. They must have

Yes, I want that game! I'm worried that I'll be spending most of the time just looking at the beautiful artwork and animation instead than playing :)

The Cat Returns is a great film. I happened to stumble upon it at the library when I was looking for movies for my kids to watch. I like so many of the Ghibli films that I can't really rank it, but it is one of my favorites.

I haven't even played the MP mode, but I agree with this. I skipped it and did my best acquiring as many war assets in the main game as I could and just take my chances with the end result.

That's what I'm wondering, since you can still go online and play it for free. But for some people, paying a few bucks for portable entertainment isn't a big deal, or they might do it just to support an indie developer.

If he wants to take things this far, more power to him. It is okay to be vocal about your disappointment and make your voice heard, but I don't agree with this move. It doesn't make game players look very good. I've played and finished ME3. Is it perfect? No, and no game ever really is. There is never going to be one

I've only played as male Shepard in ME2 and ME3 so far (I'm going to switch up on my next play through). I'm surprised that I'm in the minority in class choices. I've been playing as a Sentinel. I like the mix of different abilities. But I believe that there is no right or wrong when it comes down to it. It's a