I like “Las Vegas Action”, but almost all recent expansion/re-location teams have had animal-related names or logos, so wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the way they go. Ohhh how about “Las Vegas Scorch”?
I like “Las Vegas Action”, but almost all recent expansion/re-location teams have had animal-related names or logos, so wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the way they go. Ohhh how about “Las Vegas Scorch”?
Not sure how tenants’ rights are set up in the UK, but part of me hopes PDP sues the shit out of his landlord. Another part of me also hopes he just moves, gets his security deposit back, and then unleashes his YT horde on the landlord’s Yelp/social media/etc for being such a homophobic piece of shit.
Hate on the guy’s tactics all you want, but Hillary just gave him the nod to be her presumptive VP running mate.
Historic, yes. But if you think she has clinched the WH yet you’re delusional. once again a strong female leader will fail to rally her potential detractors against an even worse opponent simply because he’s a white male. If you thought Bernie was the weird old guy with the fucked up haircut that was her biggest…
Not at all surprising that ratings dropped given how many smaller market teams kept advancing. Plus at this point they’re going up against really intense NBA Conference Finals coverage.
Is it that big of a deal though? Vasectomies can always be reversed if they decided they really really really want another child.
Is this a Will.I.Am produced song? It makes my ears bleed just like a Will.I.Am song....
No mention of the cross check to the throat of Andrew Shaw AFTER a goal was scored? Or the deliberate shot to the nuts he took later in the game? I get that everyone wants to vilify him for his language, but not only would highlighting those two dirty hits he took be relevant to putting his anger into context, they’re…
Yea, that makes sense. I guess I’ve always found it odd that clothing items I buy (I’m an average, if not slightly heavier build) will come in a range of sizes and dimensions from extremely small to fairly large. But sizing for women seems to fall into a much smaller range. It seems like designers would be motivated…
Guy here, so forgive my ignorance -why hasn’t the fashion industry adopted a more measurement based system of sizing for certain articles of clothing for women? Wouldn’t offering the same dress in varying sizes for chest-waist-butt make it easier for consumers rather than a single “size” number? When I buy jeans I…
Joel Quenneville’s got your ejection right here!
He withstood a barrage of non-lethal bullets without dropping the knife, going down, and continued to not comply with officers while attempting to flee the area and/or continue to endanger the public which was surrounding the whole spectacle.
When I was in Bantam’s this happened to a teammate of mine but the cup shattered much worse, and cut into him. He had to be rushed from the ice, and taken in an ambulance for immediate surgery. He was bed ridden for close to 2 weeks, and didn’t return for the remainder of the season.
It goes well on their breakfast sandwiches, which are otherwise dry as hell.
Not that I would EVER advocate violence against anyone: but how many NRA-backed, Pro-Gun, Republican politicians would it take to be assassinated by a shooter before they finally started backing measures to close some of these loopholes? 5? 50? 500? Or would they all go extinct long before they would ever reach that…
Where’d they recruit this kid from? The Belt? /io9
There’s literally nothing Manziel can do OFF the field that would be more embarrassing to the Browns than what the rest of the team does ON the field every week.. Start him and let him sink or swim. If he gets better maybe they offload him for even more draft picks, but at a higher slot.
It’s Ditka’s Curse! Every Cheesehead in WI was laughing their asses off when they saw McDonald’s got Da Coach to put on a Packers sweater, but little did they know it would jinx their QB. As a Bears fan, I kind of hope those those ads keep running all season long. Or at least until next Thursday when my theory can be…
As a Bears fan, I completely agree.
God the SAP Center sucks so bad for watching hockey. The worst lines of sight architecturally imaginable. The Sharks deserve better.