
Um, are we all just going to forget that Naya Rivera abused Big Sean and one other partner?

So much for his stealth run.

... he’s been working to identify and save little kids around the world from sex trafficking, but nbd.

Kazushige Nojima is the scenario writer here and one of the script writers as well. You might know him from one of his other works where he was scenario designer and writer: Final Fantasy VII.

You might also know Tetsuya Nomura from another work he was a writer(and character designer) on called Final Fantasy VII.



Clearly this moron never learned the single most important rule of firearms - treat every gun as if it is loaded until you personally double / triple check.

Wow, in the US that kind of business savvy gets you the Oval Office.

I completely agree with you about the weirdness (and baselessness) of wanting to present Depp as a blameless victim in this whole affair. He quite clearly has some dangerous violent and abusive tendencies, and a lot of Depp stans and MRA types completely ignore that.

Sounds like he was completely wasted, and ranting to a friend after being the victim of physical abuse. He definitely has substance abuse issues, which he needs to address.

So, Jez writes about this but not the audio tapes in which Amber admits to violent behavior (hitting him & throwing cookware), complains that Johnny “splits” during fights, blames him for perpetuating fights because he leaves the room but not the house, admits to having a volatile temper, says she cant promise to not

Given Carrey’s response and it being explicitly clear he was not being sexual in any way, I think it’s only right for Jezebel to take down the headline to this article.  

I don’t recline, but you are wrong.  As long as its a feature, no one is a monster for using it.

If you don’t like the lack of space when the seat is reclined, then pay for a business or first class ticket.

RE: Jim Carrey

Watching all these white women twist themselves in knots trying to avoid voting for Bernie is a sight to behold. 

The people at HBO probably wanted someone with star power to lure people unfamiliar with the scene to this show. I have no idea about vogueing or what any of it means, but I’m more inclined to know since Jameela is going to be on the show.

I think for some of us jaded old folk, she sort of comes across as if she thinks she’s the first person to have this experience, while we know it is a tale as old as time.

She straight up looks like a member of the Dora Milaje (the all-female members of the Wakandan Special Forces, for the non-comicheads...). Elegant, composed, observant, but ready to wreck shit if things go sideways in the House chambers. Kill it, Queen!