
Looks like the steering wheel is shocked as well!

What’s a G spot?

A/C just needs a charge.

It's on sale for $59k at their website:

Except cops on college campuses. Got run down by the terminator a few years back...I ran a sub 6:00 mile at the time (The good ole days!). Guy was a freak

They can “work on” all they want, the chance this will end up on an appreciable number of cars is basically nonexistent. Anything is possible, but teaming up with HTC for a car infotainment system would be like teaming up with BlackBerry for a next-generation camera software platform. Not only is it the wrong company

IndyCar competitors have four engines to last them the entire 10,000 miles...

The trucker hats were actually a fallback plan. Each member of the wedding party was originally supposed to get a flag with his or her name on it. Someone was supposed to pick them up from a store near the reception hall, but after a bit of a mix-up the flags were picked up in Dallas by mistake.

Basketball players and tough. That’s a oxymoron.

Note: I don’t think there are many (any?) basketball players who are actually tough.

That’s the point! None of them are tough guys. But they all think they’re tough guys.

Except James Johnson, who is a black belt at kicking people in the face.

Bro, do you even lift bro?

We should stop them from having children too. It's probably for the best since the extra cost will probably just send them over the edge and they can barely make it now. If they're struggling to make ends meet month to month, they have no business having children. Right?

Mmmmm yes. That’s the stuff. Take cooked to the perfect temperature.

Never been offroaded??? Why the hell not?!? What was the point of the lift with them Gumbo tires?

So what? VW got their current reputation by building millions of unreliable crapheaps for a decade or more, and they’re not exactly Toyota level reliable now. In that time, Hyundai has made huge strides in quality and reliability.

That’s nothing. I partially severed my thumb slicing roast beef at Arby’s. It was still attached by a tendon.

LeBron probably would have taken the next month off to “recover” from the injury.

Someone from Chicago needs to get to the bottom of this. What does Derrick Rose’s SAT essay have to do with the Cubs’ Opening Day?