
Chrysler’s newer stuff has won multiple Best Interior awards from Ward's.

Side note: the very first time I touched a new-design Camaro was inside GM HQ in Detroit (I was at a nearby building for a work meeting). I approached the car and put my hands on the top of the interior door panel while I leaned in for a look. The door panel shifted under the light pressure of my hands. That

I’m not an American car guy at all, but I have been impressed by both GM and Ford in the interior game in the past few years. They are MUCH better than they used to be. Chrysler’s stuff, maybe the jury’s still out on, but maybe those are better with their new cars too.

You know how they say a person on the autism spectrum can’t distinguish facial expressions and are confused by them? That’s how I feel looking at that car. I have no idea what GM designers were trying to do with that front end.


In a statement released by Chevrolet they claimed absence of beige was due to market availability attributed to a future Toyota product line launch. Further details were not available/or interesting. Chevrolet gave assurances that gray on grey on gray tested just as poorly as beige.

Seriously. WTF is going on in car design studios as of late? Has crystal methamphetamine trickled in by the crate load?

My wife had a 2000 Malibu. The interior was gray on gray on gray on gray. The exterior color was also, you guessed it, gray. Glad to see Chevy is sticking to its roots here.

Chevy's interior game is on fleet.

It hurts my eyes. the Chevy logo looks good on trucks and ruins just about everything else. Especially Manchester United jerseys.

at least its dying.

What does your seeing-eye dog think of it?

That's Audi.

“If you talk about women’s basketball being superior to men’s, that’s a slam dunk ... wait, wrong choice of words.”

Six-Wheel version or GTFO.

Ruin Tomorrow Junior! Executive of the decade.

they’re paying about four million too much to waive jerome williams and grady sizemore during the first week of june.

Hey, huh, mine did the same thing.

I've seen people pretend they were Superman, but this is the first time I've seen someone pretend to be Christopher Reeve.

Why do I feel like this is the handy work of Corey and Trevor?