
And 8 years ago when the first iPhone came out not supporting Flash, everybody laughed at Steve Jobs for making a phone that could only see half of the internet.

I think this situation needs more beer!

I had a 1986 Ford Escort.

Sure do. Lemme know!

Kinda like me after a few too many vodkas, I suppose :)

Hahaha, I love piling on sometimes, don't you?

Yeah, that's probably true...I imagine if one of these things actually charged out of aggression, the results would likely be far worse.

Also, Phil Kessel wanted to know, "Are you guys gonna eat that?"

Not sure why this guy's response, upon seeing a bison charging his truck, is to just sit there...Is reverse broken on his Xterra? Geez...

"This winter officially sucked, and everyone ended up getting dumped with more snow than should be physically possible."


Shut it down folks; we have a winner!

According to my friends with them (probably 5 or 6 over the years), your family got lucky :)

This comment is completely underrated, Sir :)

HAHAHA that is funny, I must admit...but I still like that car :)

LOL nope.

Just curious. I have a '09 r56 MINI Cooper S, so trust me, I'm not throwing stones from my unreliable glass house lol

How many miles?

The world is better with this car in it. Stunning performance and tech, and absolutely beautiful inside and out. Wow.

I was gonna cheer for perhaps the world's 1st reliable Fiat, and then read they are in fact putting a Fiat motor in it, which is a shame.