americanitis 6 y/o is also Minecraft addict. Can confirm he's also asked for the books, an Xbox, and his own computer to play it on, and gets up early on Saturdays before me to quietly watch the videos on YouTube which are The Worst.

Rinaldo gets called for a lot of things he doesn't do.

It's ALL his own fault, and I agree: he shouldn't be on the ice at all.

Kris Letang has far more questionable plays than Rinaldo does.

THANKS OBAMA!!!!11!!1!

Rinaldo has a lot of questionable CALLS, not plays.

"Someone hold somebody so I can punch his sack from behind!"

— Sidney Crosby

Yes, poor Tom Wilson.

Pretty sure helping other people is a felony in Texas.

If one of you likes pets or a certain pet, and you don't, this isn't the person for you. Trust me on this.

I divorced and now travel alone: it cut my expenses by MORE than half, plus no more checked luggage!!

"What's the big deal?"

Yeah me too!

Hahaha, true...fair enough :)

Anyone who's visited or driven in Italy can tell you that drivers use their horns to "talk" all the's definitely not the aggressive "shouting" that it is here in the States.

Wait, when does Michele Pfeiffer show up to set these kids straight?

He didn't hurt his leg in the crash.

I've been there.

The new brighter orange represents the river on fire, and the same old brown is of course the feces-filled Lake Erie.

It doesn't grant the government ANY rights. It RESTRICTS government, including law enforcement, you idiot.