
Unfriend them.

I have driven in many places in the US and in several different countries also (Mexico, Italy, Canada, Florida) and I have NO idea how Philly is in the top 5 for worst drivers. I worked there for several years, and yes, the pace is hectic at times, but the drivers there seem to at least be paying attention. Also

Pretty soon, the only Yankee uniform number left will be 69, which is fitting, considering all the self-felating the Yankees (and their fans) do.

Yes, because trading the statistically best QB they've had since McNabb (when he was good) for a WR who doesn't like to follow the rules is exactly the missing piece for the Eagles. I'm glad the Eagles aren't as dumb as the Flyers or Phillies. Ruben Amaro and/or Paul Holmgren would've made that trade because of course

Said it once, and I'll say it again: this Dan Gilbert is a whiny ass titty baby who basically reacts to adversity or negative press by throwing a tantrum.

Owned a couple Mustangs, have driven and ride in plenty more, including the supercharged 1986 Saleen I took my drivers license test in. Have also driven/ridden in the Challenger/Charger (new and old), Camaros/Firebirds (new and old), but sure, I have no idea what they're like. I never understood these from the time I

"This thing is a great daily driver. Comfortable, handles just fine"

You apparently haven't read every review of this bloated pig since it came out lol

All these "muscle" cars are big, bloated, and look like they'd be terrible to drive every day. I don't get it; I also don't get the attraction everybody has for the originals either, unless the people who like these things don't live near turns in the road.

After this Camry/Corolla seats article, I'm DYING to know what the floor mats look like on the new Chevy Impala!

They should give it one, and put it on the back hatch like a Wrangler.

Shame it still looks like a Veloster.

I don't particularly care for the NBA or basketball in general, but I have read a lot of Kelly Dwyer's stuff on that blog. He's a good writer, usually funny, and all this does is get him a bigger audience.

Me too; I was making a joke. My MINI doesn't even have the arrow.

Step 6: If you're trying to lose weight, STOP DRINKING ALCOHOL.

"without looking"

Except that Honda didn't make it work.

LOL, ok, I'll play.

Oh look...a $70K BRZ, and it STILL doesn't have enough torque!

They should've left out the whole hybrid attempt.

I think you meant "bro dozers."