
Not a fat-shamer, but how about losing weight? Sleep apnea can really turn serious if you let it go, and losing weight can be the best way to treat's also good for other things too! I mean, it's probably not a big deal if it's 15-20 lbs, but if it's more, maybe it's time?

Not a fat-shamer, but how about losing weight? Sleep apnea can really turn serious if you let it go, and losing

Lance Armstrong's wife took the fall because he didn't have the balls to fess up himself...

Well, thank goodness the NFL/NBC protected us from this innocent (and, if I'm honest, kind of funny in a 4th grade way), "celebration."

This post makes me miss Facebook. Almost.

Yes, thanks for pointing out that like the Leafs, the NY Jets also used to be good but aren't anymore lol.

In fact, Steve's letter has changed my life; so much so that I'm going to make some serious revisions to my existence going forward. There should be no excitement in life, but rather our entire goal should be to reduce pollution. And that is why I am going to move out of my home and into a Tesla Model S, which I plan

Thanks for chiming in, Mitt Romney :)

As an AZ/PHX resident, I'm utterly shocked that someone here is an anti-science flat-Earth Wingnut.

Wow, "golf's villain?"

Am I the only football fan who's tired of this douche?

Well, if Roger Goodell is ever let go by the NFL, at least we know he has a great career option in heading up Comcast Cable's PR division, right?

45. Hitting a bong is WAY less harmful than hitting a woman, and The Shield's clear-cut and transparent disciplinary tactics attest to this.

I thought I read on Jalopnik somewhere (or maybe Clarkson said it on TG? Not sure...) that Lamborghini didn't make cars that tried to kill you anymore?

Gee, I can't imagine why Leafs fans would throw their jerseys on the ice after witnessing this obvious juggernaut of a contender in Toronto play like such a well-oiled machine.

I've see a couple of these in North PHX on the freeway, and I gotta say: I like it very much too. As a 2nd-gen MINI (r56) driver/owner, I am biased toward small premium cars, and this i3 is pretty damned cool. I really dig the interior too. The problem here in America is that electric cars are built just like other

Uh, Penn State IS a public state school.

Watching these media dickbags falling all over themselves to trash Marshawn Lynch for having the gall to not answer their dumb questions is like watching one of those asshole pickup artists hit on a woman at a bar, get politely turned down, and then proceed to go ballistic on her in front of everyone. Both (PUAs &

Doug DeMuro will be taking the wrecked car to CarMax to have the damage repaired under warranty.

Absolutely agree on working with them; it's really THE most important thing! It's worth remembering that like us, they're all individuals. That's probably the best part of having a pet: getting to know yours!

LOLNOPE...the Juke still the ugliest "car" this side of the Pontiac Aztec!