Counterpoint: we should vilify absolutely everyone for absolutely everything.
Counterpoint: we should vilify absolutely everyone for absolutely everything.
Thank you for saying this. I'd like to add that if this had been a 17 year old girl and 28 year old man, Jez commenters would be alllllll over this talking about how she was groomed, that she's only a "girl", that she was abused, and all that other "we can't blame her" Camille Cosby style crap.
Thinkpieces Are The Problem
This is not a ranking of careers.
There goes Doug again, always Creighton problems.
Every Rose has its torn [ligaments].
Because underneath it all, Jezebel editors actually love the same basic white heteronormative stuff they rail against.
Chloe apparently tweeted a photo of a cheese grater (which was later deleted) before the game, because Packers fans are Cheeseheads, get it?
I think drew posted this because he wasn't allowed to openly mock Gawker/Jezebel for this brand of drivel they publish daily.
The league signed off on the game because of how realistic it is. To this day, the Jacksonville Jaguars are routinely faced with 3rd and 30 situations.
I usually hate videos of kids, especially overly excited kids that think everyone gives a shit about the dumb things they are saying.
THAT SAID, this kid rules and this was funny as shit.
THAT SAID, if I had to spend a day with this kid instead of just watching a two minute video of his antics I would probably off…
I see now why the owners voted against banning tanking: If you outlaw tanking, only tankers will have outlaws.
"You know the crowd on here"
How exactly is that self-righteous? There's a time and a place for fucking with the Cardinals and I'd say right now ain't it.
Hopefully, there won't be one fucking "the right way" comment, and I'm not even a Cards fan. Be decent human beings. So much potential gone at such a young age. Condolences to his family and friends.
Yeah, he knows that, he was cleverly correcting what you wrote to express what it ignores. Point being this stuff is not a national tragedy unless it happens in white neighborhoods. It is a regular occurrence in chicago but it isn't news because it is ubiquitous, so nobody begs solemnity for it.
Hot Take Level: Infinity
Strickland: I can't understand you!!
hi its me Bill Simons. Yes I will write the sports stories. Thank you,