
MORTIFIED? Oh my god the pearl clutching in these comments can only be described by going to the hyperbolic lengths of the comments themselves.

Dude, you're giving the guy 140 characters to express something that maybe cannot be expressed in 140 characters. He's not actually wanting to kill himself, just like he wasn't actually going to rape anyone. This is all about nothing! And you care! Why?!

They actually say #wannakillmyself?

Zero. Even though this playoff exists because teams like Boise St went undefeated and people wanted to see them get a shot.

Their entire premise was "WE'RE NOT BOERS AND BERNSTEIN" (specifically Dan Bernstein) and that all the people who've been laughed at then blasted by Tannehill's shotgun would flock to it. Didn't happen. People cannot help listening to 670.

It's snow, not plutonium.

For now, sure. But if he doesn't step it up Donovan is gonna have to give him the hook.

She was a trainwreck. My favorite "what the fuck is Jane Byrne thinking?" moment was when she moved into Cabrini-Green as a publicity stunt. She was there three weeks, and to keep her safe they fortified the unit she was in.

Glue factory.

/eye roll

If had the choice I'd have taken gay every single time. It is the far superior option. Deion knows what's up.

He gets $2m and a cush job at a car dealership in South Carolina to aavoid debilitating brain injury. Plus he can walk! Which wasn't such a sure thing for those who remember seeing his leg explode on TV!

This is like the Titanic leaving Liverpool. Everyone's all excited and happy, but their dismal fate has long been sealed.

It is entirely unprecedented for a player as bad as Baez to ever make anything of himself. He's a bust, he showed nothing at all in 50 games.

"OK, so it's an ad, and as a rule we don't participate in advertising campaigns."

My bad. I missed that.

Remember Darryl Kyle? That was roids related (probably) but still... so rare we see this. That's a lot for any franchise.

He definitely played in MLB games.

This is genuinely heartbreaking.