Just horrible.
Just horrible.
Actually the bell is the most offensive part to me.
Grayson Perry has a lot of interesting art but this might just be his most seminal work yet.
Sharon Needles?
I don't think it's that serious.
This is one of the things that bugs me the most about her. She can play at being queen of trailer park all she wants, but she comes from wealth and you can tell.
It's not a race issue, it's a class issue.
I LOVE GOATS! We can make goat cheese, and the dogs can take care of the goats, and we can get big and strong doing goat push-ups.
2010? Not 2013?
I used to go to MarineLand Canada a lot as a kid and now I feel retroactively both guilty for enjoying the show and lucky that the orca I got to pet and kiss didn't take my face off.
The documentary aired on CNN in 2013, not 2010.
Good. Please let us be one step closer to getting these beautiful creatures out of their tiny, tiny pools. It breaks my cold, dead heart.
The gut-wrenching documentary Blackfish is having the exact effect SeaWorld worried it might have: it's putting…
It's ridiculous that weed is illegal.
I always liked Heidi, spencer gives me the creeps, like he will go on to do something very bad one day.
I don't know JLaw so I don't hate her, it has nothing to do with her being "independent", but rather that I think she can be a tad annoying because I'm pretty sure all this "I have no filter, I'm a tomboy, I hate being famous and love eating cheeseburgers" is 100% an act, and she's not even the first person to do it. …