
I never knew I wanted to see Skip Bayless murdered on live television until now. Though, in a way, I think I always suspected I did.

I read that headline as “Barkley would kill Bayless if Bayless was terminally ill.” I guess that would be better? Because Bayless was gonna die soon anyway?

What’s the conflicting viewpoint here, that corruption is good and the public should be kept in the dark about the activities of the president?

Check out the book American Amnesia. It’s excellent, and all how about how government programs and intervention is what made American *actually* great. Since Regan, through Clinton and beyond, the reduction in government programs has played a major role in the decrease of power and the rise of the Capitalist State we

I agree completely.

Someone else mentioned this in a comment on a different article, but the media needs to stop asking multi-faceted questions. Short, simple, direct questions with no follow up in the same question are the only way to go.

Get off the couch, tie your shoes.

Please don’t forget:


I think you mean “unpresidented.”

The death of American liberalism, in a classical norms-and-institutions sense- the lack of anyone who is both willing and able to advocate clearly and intelligently for classical liberal republican ideals - has to be one of the most remarkable and unremarked trends in American politics. These are and have been

Let’s face it, 240 years was a pretty good, if not unprecedented, run for any republic. Now you’re all set for a despotic banana republic. Good luck with it.

Two things he said this morning:

Guy Fieri and pedophiles should not be getting away with anything.

“Introducing our 500 Foot measuring tape, made of the finest malleable silver, in a handsome chestnut case. Great for exact placement of our ultra rare southern Mongolian bamboo yard set, or in my case, proximity to elementary schools.”

That guy looks like the sketchy anthropology adjunct professor who gets his contract cancelled for banging undergrads.

Who would argue for Phil?

I wish Gregg Popovich was my dad. At least then the disappointment would motivate me.

It makes it that much easier for him to switch out with Donald Sutherland and get some rest every now and then.

Tim Duncan has been pretty much non-existent for the Spurs this season, and they are still 18-5.