That was the most crazypants thing I’ve read in a long time.
That was the most crazypants thing I’ve read in a long time.
He is also an asshole. He was at this legislative review thing I attended a while back and he spent a good few minutes trying to claim that Utah can’t spend more money on education because we have too much public land. Pretty sure he threw his back out with that reach.
I really appreciate the mention of voluntourism- I’m a volunteer coordinator, and I talk about volunteers falling into two catagories- the ones that want to contribute, and the ones who want to be seen contributing. A lot of people think of donating items/money or volunteering as a way to prove something about their…
Did you see the twitter-pout our bald baby of a Lt. Governor had today because of this? Drumpf is kind of the funniest thing to happen to the GOP in a long time.
Salt Lake is pretty chill now. We’ve got some rad breweries and a decent amount of stuff to do. The suburbs, though, IDK.
He’s an absolute shitsausage.
Sidenote- I’ve taken a lot of cold medicine today and legit thought she was confronting Sylvester Stalone.
We’ve taken to referring to Caila as “Mermaid Hair.”
Yes, I like to think that’s one of the reasons I still haven’t left Utah.
*whispers* Google “Epic Brewing Company”
I did, she was great. They have a great Anthro department in general. Her class on Hunter-Gatherer Ecology was pretty rad.
She was easily one of my favorite professors in undergrad. I miss college.
Sidenote- Kristen Hawkes is awesome.
If you’d like a great researcher whose work revolves entirely around the reason grandmothers exist, I’d suggest looking up Kristen Hawkes.
Not included in the article: he is a University of Utah student using the alias “Cradley Booper.”
Literally had never heard this either. I swear to god, if someone tried to lecture me about watching crime shows while pregnant I would provide Law and Order: SVU with a glorious new murder plotline.
Idk, I’ve found it’s the only thing that does make my lips better when I’m dealing with a cold or shitty air (yay Utah). I’ve tried a billion other ones and this is the only one that doesn’t make my whole mouth feel like I’ve been chugging oil.
His arms must get tired from all that punching down he’s doing.
My cat would love that thing.
I don’t accept her premise that she ever did anything positive for HP.