A Media Dude

Idunno... I feel they dropped the ball again. Like, the pendulum went from lazy stock photo edit to lackluster fan art, and failing to hit the mark on both attempts but in a different way.

Like, if the Quarians have hair, that’s fine, just make it look like there was an attempt made for the Tali photo. I wouldn’t have

1. Copyright law sucks, we can all agree on this regardless of what the current legal situation is, I think. The facts of the matter are independent of the ethics of the matter.

I’d argue (in this specific case) it’s essentially the same as taking the French Version of Harry Potter and professionally translating it back into English, as they (according to claims from the original team) used a decompiler to generate their source code from the executable.

Writing code that produces the same output as a company’s copyrighted code does not automatically give that company copyright over your code as well.

Copyrights are not uniform in how they’re applied between works of art vs technical mechanisms.

 Except they’re not copying the words. They made the book for the letters to go in from scratch. Take Two has no case.

I mean it always needs to be said: companies are not your friends, do not have your best interests at heart, and don’t, under any circumstances, need you standing up for them.

That’s what they pay lawyers and PR people for.

Did you read the article?
Reverse engineered code is not piracy. Also, to be able to play GTA with this code you still need the original game.
Reporting on developers making unlawful DMCA claims is certainly important, which is what this is really about.

Oh buzz off, loser. Twitch has been about live-streaming from the chat, and has been about appealing to audiences for what they’re looking like from the start. It began as a live-streaming IRL site, they added video games, and it has moved back and forth being about videogames and about chatting about art and music,

This loop of “women showing up in outwardly male dominated areas and financially succeeding which makes men get super fuckin’ butt-hurt” is just literally never going to end, is it? We’re just destined to do this forever, aren’t we?

The fact that toxic fuck xQc is so popular even after being kicked off of his pro Overwatch team for being racist really doesn’t speak well for humanity.

I loved the crestfallen Civil War theme after the fight with the Dora Milaje when Walker said with complete inadequacy, “They weren’t even super-soldiers.” I thought I was past the point where I could feel bad for the guy, but at that moment I was struck by the fact that everything he has tried to do since putting on

Fascinating to see the Doras in action. (sigh... rest in power, Mr. Boseman). Great to see a little more of Bucky being rehabilitated.

Yeah, I’m actually really surprised how well the actor was able to carry that transformation as I don’t personally think the script for it was that strong. This episode was, but the groundwork before this felt lacking. Yet the actor clearly had enough of knowledge of where it was heading to really make it work.

That final shot of Walker with the bloody shield was *money.*

whats wrong with the “rise in sex work”? Sex work is work, real work, like any other job and is just as valid.

This is so weird to me. its like victim blame-y. Viewers being gross to her or anyone else is on them, not on anyone else. Definitely not on other streamers streaming the way they want. They are not “part of the problem”. as is implied.

If Twitch were to create new sections—especially ones dedicated to adult content—it would risk reinforcing the long-held societal idea that women’s bodies are inherently sexual.

You can be sexy without being sexual,” she said, “and I think that’s where a lot of people have hot tub streams confused. Are bikinis sexy? Yes. But are they sexual? No. Same with low-cut shirts. We are allowed to have unlimited cleavage. Is cleavage sexy? Yes. But is it sexual? No.”

No, that’s what it started as.  It hasn’t been explicitly about gaming for at least 2 or 3 years.  Shit changes.