
Is there any chance this will come to ps4? Because if not I’m going to have to buy the SMTIII remaster. I absolutely loved SMTIV - my first SMT game - and would love to go back to that style of rpg combat. 

A politician, more precisely, a republican thinks that a piece of media portraying violence is not instigating violence? Never thought I'd see this day lol. 

This generation was, for better or worse a game changer - pun intended - in how it successfully implemented online gaming - which was free on the ps3, cannot remember if the 360 had free online play or not.

I play SMT for the gameplay and Persona for the ost and style. If I had a switch I’d buy Smt5 in a heartbeat.

True but it has become clear that his character is the least fun out of the 5 Guardians and it comes with diminishing returns for every movie Starlord appears. It becomes worse when in GOG2 his two father figures, played by Kurt Russel and Michael Rooker, have so much more appeal and personality than him

You included Dante, Vergil and Lady but no Trish? Why? Trish is way more goth than Lady.

They show up in the tier list at the end but have no flavour text.

Now I want an origin story for the real cowboy, that had a cartoon show that spawned Woody’s toy line. Latter down the line we can have those two guys meet up in a follow up movie - the onset of the toy story cinematic universe.

Good memories from playing gta 3 on release on a ps2. Just driving around, listening to radio stations trying to get a better car at every turn.

But can I have my hot coffee in HD with funny looking cartoons as well? 

It should be! 

That may be, but it would have been better to comment on it without adhering to it.

Scr5am: scream if you want to die faster! 

Can we please stop naming sequels, reboots and reimaginings with the same tittle as the first movie? Pretty please? 

Ah! I'll buy it at a hight price! Hehe hehe. 

They edited the characters' looks to better resemble their vg counterparts, instead of, you know, actually giving VanDamme Guile's hair cut in the movie. Lol. 

They edited the characters' looks to better resemble their vg counterparts, instead of, you know, actually giving

Sure hope the release date doesn't get derailed. I'm on board to play this game. 

Kingdom Hearts is on another level for me! 

The most disjointed celebration I have seen... 

I mean, God Of war ragnarok and horizon still bound for ps4 is huge. I don’t even care for better graphics. If they release these sequels with the same quality then I am. Happy.