
I'd imagine c*nt island was already taken... 

Not a bad list that commits the cardinal sin of ommiting Oldboy - the Korean original. Here’s a film that subverts not only action movies but specifically the subgenre of revenge action films.

The only difference between prometheus and covenant is that the former I didn't hate immediately. 

Forget about the alien life cycle. Here’s my alien hype cycle:

And you might be taking this too seriously. 

Rihanna and Michael Cera die on screen; Emma Watson thought she was going to be raped; lots of on set drama... How many more examples do you need me to give you?

Yes I did. A baby faced star becomes a cannibals sex slave in a biblical apocalypse. It stressed me out.

Channing Tatum never did dark roles? So playing Danny Mcbride’s gimp in This is the end was what? A light-hearted role? 

Sure, I can buy that. But the shot of the concert-coached with the guitar player at the front is more than evoking it.

Are they finally making Morena Baccarin’s character more than just the hot, cool girlfriend? Because she’s been wasted until now.

And it would make sense if the girl is actually his daughter and is not in on it as a mini psycho apprentice. What I want to know, is how the director will hold the tension throughout the movie's runtime. 

After what this director showed in evil dead, that scene really is telling of what might be coming. I’m not sure it’s the best approach, but it made me feel terrified of the facehugger. The last time I felt that way was in Aliens.

The ending, particularly the final shot made the scope more intimate. 

I’m with you on the skill tree. Felt too busy and it made it difficult to choose skills and see their benefit. 

I enjoyed s1 and s2 because marvel’s pg13 fatigue was setting in. But s3 really felt like they were spinning their wheels, too afraid to shake up the status quo in a significant way.

I'm not afraid of disliking it, but my play time is limited to a few hours per week. If I buy it I will restrict myself to just a game for the next months. I am trying to decide if I want that commitment right now. First World problems, I know:) 

Something tells me the discourse around this game will be exhausting and I won’t be here for it.

Do xbox execs like money? Because if they do, this is the right move, especially when they can sell games for consoles, whose markets the Xbox is essentially non-existent. Then, later, after the Xbox-owned IP have settled in consumer’s minds, they can pull the carpet or start doing console-exclusive content bullshit,

I was rewatching Action Jackson yesterday and thinking: why the hell has this charismatic, buff leaind action guy, not had an action career like Arnold? Such a great actor, insanely watchable! 

The only effective jump scare for me was the first lady of the light flash cut. After that, and until you defeat her, I felt the game went a bit overboard with them, to the point that I could pinpoint their appearance.