
I used the term heel because in fighting games, people can pretend a bit to better go with the larger than life characters in the game. Punk seems to that a bit.

I know about Fchamp and the “you are free” debacle. He actually lost gracefully, in my opinion, when he congratulated his opponent after the fight.

Has there ever been a good heel in fighting games? The majority seem to be like this “Roundhouse”, just cursing people out and shouting all the time.

So, spaghetti-haired Steve fox's eyebrows look like the roman numeral 5. That seems to be the most interesting thing about him. The overall design is not that interesting. 

I did not go into detail, but although the T-Rex transformation was otp, it was the fact that he was non-reactive to damage and it was hard to tell when he was going to shift phases that got me. Also you fought that dino form a lot, which also got old fast.

6 is really a bad game and has not aged well at all. Controls feel loose, enemies are “spongie”, has too many terrible vehicle sections, scattershot enemies design, Simmons is one of the worst final bosses in almost every conceivable way... Oof, as a Resi fan I could go on for hours.

I mean, if you are going to give only one frame of reference for the body of work of Carl Weathers, Arrested Development is a weird pick :D

“he doesn’t really know what the hell he’s stepping into at all, and that’s a scenario you can put pretty much any new character into as well.”

Actually, and as I said DS2 was also a favorite of mine, in part 2 Isaac starts to sound more like an action protagonist of the “not this again” variety. His “knee deep in gore and monsters” state, plus the nature of Nicole’s allucinations worked better in establishing a sense of dread and powerlessness.

I just made a similar comment. Although I did not play DS3, Isaac's story seemed done in the second. A new perspective, perhaps of another survivor of the Ishimura, would have been cool. It's actually the same idea I have for the resident evil franchise: instead of continuing to push forward stories with the same

Absolutely love DS1 and I replay it from time to time. DS2 is good as well, but the loneliness of the first was one of its major strengths.

Good response on MS’s part even if a bit delayed.

This is a terrible take. So many assumptions, no valid reason to limit other people's enjoyment. 

Great game. Although I prefer 3rd person Resident Evil, I am enjoying replaying it in higher difficulties. I just wish the house benevientp section was skippable - amazing on a first playthrough, repetitive thereafter.

Welcome back and good luck. 

Nice use of Godhand music! 

The show’s premisse if fuelled by rule of cool: a tournament of gods vs humans, over the top personalities, deities that transform into weapons, etc. However, there’s barely any fighting done that is cool or exciting: it’s almost only reaction shots, flashbacks and spectators explaining what’s going on, although the

It seems reasonable to want a screen adaptation of a beloved game series. Sure resident evil is derivative of many horror movies that help inspire it - that’s why I never get my hopes up and was not disappointed by the horrible movie series starring Milla Jovovich.

Came here to say the same, but on my way here I already some some racist comments.

I like both but the merchant still wins out. He’s funnier and has more quotable lines.