I'm going to try and finish Resident Evil 8. I think I should be halfway through. Right now I am enjoying it very much, but I still prefer Resident as a 3rd person game.
I'm going to try and finish Resident Evil 8. I think I should be halfway through. Right now I am enjoying it very much, but I still prefer Resident as a 3rd person game.
Sure, but which of those options would be the most Xxxtreme?
Glad to see an extra mode that I have interest in playing. Although shouldn’t it be called the mercenary? If there are custom loud outs and it is in first person, it seems unlikely to have character selection and if it did, it wouldn’t be distinctive enough.
By now I’d settle for a mercs mode ported from resi4 or 5 lol.
I don’t really like Resident evil as a co-op experience outside of modes like mercs or raid. Even if I enjoyed Resi5's co-op, it got stale by the time Resi6 came around. I know that the outbreak games have a strong cult following and seems to be the most suited for the game’s universe, but Capcom seems to insist on…
It seems the only reason Capcom keeps pushing modes like Resistance and reverse is to more easily justify some in game purchases to make money.
After this they can remake Alex Kidd in Shinobi World...or not.
I have a small backlog of 15 games I guess. I am not counting ps plus monthly games or the ones Sony has been offering.
The original ps3 sixaxis, that felt hollow and light! It’s battery was unreliable by the point I decided to throw it down on my bed over a fighting game loss - tekken 6 I believe.
MegaZord vs Godzilla vs Mecha godzilla!!
So... Does this mean that the next film will be Shin Godzilla X Shin Ultraman X Shin Kamen Rider?
It seems to be intentional as some of Gene's move are similar to the ones in the anime.
It absolutely does! I boot up my OG ps3 to play it from time to time.
Godhand (ps2) ! sure it has its followers but it could use more love - so Capcom ports it to ps4! It’s tough, cool, silly, has a cool soundtrack and is bad looking in the scenery and mook models. The combat is deep and needs some time to click, specially the movement.
I bought a blue 3ds just like the one up there in the header. Bought resident evil revelations and dragon Quest monsters 2 along with it. I really think it was a nice looking handheld and my bedtime companion for many years.
I have, thanks. I don’t know if I will take this one all the way through, just want to see how good it looks and how the gameplay is.
FF7 remake is free with plus, I was thinking of playing a bit of that... But I fear I’ll end up watching more cutscenes than playing and the weekend is soooo short.
You are right, it was janky, but when it clicked, headshooting a robot and making it turn on its companions, was really cool.
I have spent the last month or so debating whether I should restart Bloodborne or pick it up from where I left off - the place where’s a castle and a foreboding light that increases your frenzy.