
Well their relationship really evolved as Piccolo softened considerably after putting Gohan through the training from hell. So much so that when Goku gives Cell the senzu, he’s the one that really freaks out.

Remembwr when Goku, after fighting against Cell, gave up and gave a senzu bean to Cell before letting Gohan face him?

Cosplay idea/challenge: regular sized person, wearing Lady Dimitrescu's sized clothes. 

The only time that giving bullies a voice is a good thing is...never.

Why are wrestlers rebuilding... Oh wait! " - me glancing over the tittle. 

Tough decision though. When I started DE I had a hard time getting into, as the over the top heavy metal fantasy style and the hyper aggressive, load out management gameplay is very different. For a while Doom 2016 was too ingrained, it’s deliberate place, horror sci fi setting. Then, everything clicked and DE started

The first was overall very grimmy and the hospital was particularly spooky, even more so due to that invisible enemy type that was there. The only thing I don’t quite like is the unkillable Laura... But oh boy was she nerve wrecking!

I like both games too, but the second one’s open level just made it a blast to play. There were plenty of spooky moments and the order in which you encountered them was dependant on where you started exploring.

I had the ecto-1, the TNMNT Van and the Batmobile form Batman the Animated series. Trully the trifecta of cartoon cars. Unfortunately kid me did not have the foresight to keep them.:(

Came here to say the same... *Crap*

I'll be hitting the practice in Dbfz and try to advance a bit in Blasphemous. 

I love Control too!

Some calls are best left unanswered... 

I just bought Blasphemous and Hotline Miami on ps4. Hotline Miami I already played on pc and it was super cheap, so it was too good to pass on.

But will this film satisfy the hoops and dreams of the original's fans? 

Whenever I make a top 10 of my favorite games, at least half I played on my ps2. Other systems have incredible gaming libraries, but I never had a time like when I owned a ps2 and felt that I was always saving money for games that I wanted; it seemed a ground breaking game was coming out every month, whether it was a

Final Nelo Angelo fight in Devil May Cry:

Missing school due to being a bit under the weather and playing pokemon blue in bed for a whole weekend is one of my fondest childhood memories.

I don’t think Arceus isn’t the only mild looking pokemon, we agree in that part for sure. I also understand that some designs aim at simplicity because pokemon wants to keep its kid friendly roots.

I am not sure I get what you mean or even if I made my point clear in my previous reply. The legendaries of gen 1 have a simple design, that were I not aware of their status, I would probably not label them legendaries. They are cool-looking, but so is arcanine and ninetails - two regal looking, fire pokemon - but