
And as far as I know they are mostly animals still. However there is usually a design choice around elaborate patterns and textures that started with the legendaries of gen 2. And again as someone who knows all the mons from gen 1 and then some of the gens that followed, it seems to me that there's a sense of scale,

Well Mewtwo is not a god pokemon. He's a powerful lab experiment with a chip on his shoulder and a mean look. But again all this subjective. 

If he had 1000 arms, now that would be cool! 

Former White House occupant and current white supremacist sounds like an even better description. 

None of those pokemon have a design that I like, because as you said, they seem to lack symmetry. But the one thing that I think is cool is that they seem to be covered in some sort of armor.

I see that design choice used a lot, to the point of being deconstructed and explained as “a form that simple beings can understand”. I respect it, but seeing some powerful pokemon legendaries have some intricate designs, my expectations where a bit higher. As I said, being a a casual pokemon fan, I only new about

As a pokemon casual, don’t flame me, Arceus seems kind of unimpressive in terms of design. As the most powerful pokemon, as far as I understand, one would expect a design with more flair.

One of the best tracks of the album. A loving tribute to Giovani Giorgio with a wicked sound. 

You get a star for that Big Trouble in little China reference:)

Resident evil 4, okami, godhand streets of rage 4. I am mostly stuck in the ps2 era:) 

Queen of all monsters! 

Doom Eternal: after loving Doom 2016 this one took some time getting used to - faster, more frantic and with a lot of resources management - but now I can’t stop playing it.

I actually would rather have it be option 1. But to be honest I stopped caring - and by that I mean paying attention to the details - about plot after Code Veronica. I love RE games because of how they feel to play and because I am a sucker for horror settings. 

That’s why I think Re7 worked well as a soft reboot. Ethan was in this bonkers, aparentely supernatural situation and combat was never smooth or natural. I really liked it. 

Mecha Godzilla looking like a megazord there at the 3 second mark.

I hope they keep Ethan a regular Joe, although he should have been a one off protagonist in my opinion.

Some thoughts from a long time fan.

That is cool and all, but what about Sor4 dlc? How many times can a person S rank all the stages on Mania difficult? I'm kidding, I only managed two out of 12. 

Now there's something I didn't know. Is that why they made her blonde? Cool trivia bit, thanks. 

You are right! I keep forgetting it even though the dog from Haunting ground cameos in resi4, and Ashley bears a strong resemblance to the protagonist of HG.