Nothing again Oscar Isaac but in a perfect world, Kurt Russel would have been Solid Snake... 15 years ago.
Nothing again Oscar Isaac but in a perfect world, Kurt Russel would have been Solid Snake... 15 years ago.
From the big 3 I have never owned an xbox, but I never felt like its success hindered my enjoyment of the consoles I have.
Funny you say that because the game cube was the home of Resident evil remake, resident evil 0 and resident evil 4 - the last one only for a while. As a resident evil fan I was really mad because I could not play those, plus eternal darkness, which is a modern classic in my eyes. I had bought a ps2, which was a great…
Gun grave is a game that I have always been curious about and never had the chance to play it. That's a cool intro for sure!
I really enjoy fly me to the moon (climax mix), it just clicks with the ending of the game. However I enjoy Mysterious Destiny more. Something about a soft poppy song that plays while you beat angels to a pulps just agrees with me.
This comment needs more stars.
Even Boruto shows that it’s all about the protagonist. The three-ninja team with Sakura’s daughter and Oro’s clone is already being sidelined for the main clash between Boruto and his rival.
Having the entire last arc of the manga be about a massive ninja war would always be a massive undertaking and on top of that pull a twist that was poorly foreshadowed, was a recipe for disaster.
This game is flawed, uneven and its humor is plenty of times juvenile and grown worthy - but I still like it a lot. Also, far as I know, it has the best evil dead shout out I have ever seen in a game, in the form of a throw away gameplay segment in a lost cabin in the woods.
So far, the shadows were tricky and took me the most attempts. But Gascoigne I beat with some luck and using the music box.
I keep coming to the conclusion that Bloodborne is the best game I’ve never mastered or - as of this post - beaten.
Resident evil 7, silent Hill 2, forbidden siren, Soma... So many. But I love that type of game.
I am going to start Doom Eternal and also try to finish Streets of Rage 4 final level in Mania difficulty.
It Follows is a movie that I really want to like but it falls short. The movie is unrelentless in the first act, but when “the presence" finds the final girl at the beach and starts yanking her hair the movie lost all steam for me and never recovered the initial dread.
My younger brother sometimesplayed the same games that I did and he accidentally saved over some games that erased quite a few hours of progress, namely:
Is that from a game?
I know you did not ask me, but I saw the movie and thought I could give you my 2 cents.
All resi canon games have good save room music. My favorites are from resi3 and code Veronica, which are not on my top 3 favorite resi games - remake, resident evil 2 and resident evil 4.
Take my comment in a good humoured nature: I feel that your opinion is the most common whenever a new fighting game character is announced in any fighting game. It is literally impossible to please everyone, don't you think?
Goodbye vague Jake Gyllenhaal lookalike.