
If you squint the ps5 maybe, kinda looks like a tall armchair... So I’d go with that...

‘Peach... I could eat a peach for hours... ‘

I’m not industry savvy enough to predict the outcome of this move, but it seems we are circling back to the ps2, game cube xbox days, where each system had a great number of exclusive games, that were not found any where else. That made each console a very particular gaming experience that went beyond hardware specs

Thanks for the reply. Quite extensive and you also touched upon his twitch persona or online personality, which was something I also wondered about. 

Thank you for the reply.

I have a question about streamers and twitch in particular, since I follow neither’

Great, that's great and all, but can he cut Rocky V... Out of existence? 

It’s pretty mind-boggling that I can buy a full game, in one of psn’s discount events, for the price of an emote or a costume. 

Due to the usually poor line up of launch titles but more so because of the high price tag I tend to not buy consoles in their first or second years.

They could keep the premise of the first game but use new characters so we would not know which S.T.A.R.S members would make it to the end.

Now playing

For me the most atmospheric and cool of all tekken tunes. Badass music for the best tekken force mode. 

Tekken 1 and 2 are very sluggish and 3 and TTT are a bit better but although I have them, rarely pick them up. In terms of fun factor 4 and 5 are much more pleasant to play as a fun distraction or trip down memory lane. 

I have a very humble game collection that over the pandemic grew on the digital side, because going out to buy games was out of the question.

This reminds me that I bought an unused copy of Killer 7 for the ps2 a couple of months ago and haven’t played it yet.

Resident evil 6. As a fan of the series it is impossible for me to enjoy that game. I was anxiously waiting for it but when it came out I played it once. Recently I was trying to buy all the main entries in the same system but I balked at buying it even used. 

I see what you mean, but I always defer to the default “if I don’t like it, I will take my business elsewhere”. I know that it is more complex than that, but it just seems like the action that ends up sending the clearest message.

AvP 2 is an atrocious movie all around. Such a joyless, soulless experience.

Again, I have no horse in this race.

This is going to get uglier and uglier isn’t it? Is this an alien vs predator situation? “Whoever wins, we lose?”

Maybe not the best place to ask, but at least it’s topic adjacent. Is fortnite the Facebook of gaming? And when will it be replaced and by what?