I have this game on my ps3 and it is very good. A variety of characters, moves stages, awesome music and boss variety. It was my go to side scroll brawler until Sor4 came out.
I have this game on my ps3 and it is very good. A variety of characters, moves stages, awesome music and boss variety. It was my go to side scroll brawler until Sor4 came out.
He does? That is a shame then. I was curious to play this because of him. Well SMT3 is a well regarded game, so I am still interested.
Ah, it‘s Dante’ s model from DmC2. Perhaps this is the only time this Dante shows up in a good game:)
Ten years ago I tried to squeeze all he fun out of a game and that would include playing it on all the difficulties.
I spotted God Hand’s HUD in the first image and just had to see if you mentioned it. Such a lovely simple HUD with a counter intuitive mechanic: leveling up means that Gene stays the same in terms of stats and moves but the enemies become more aggressive, play dirty, inflict more damage and block more often. It goes…
“On today’s gaming news, police are investigating an airborne assault. Authorities suspect fowl play. "
No particular order:
Resident evil 3 remake and vanquish. Short and sweet!
Resident evil 3 remake and vanquish. Short and sweet!
Got this game free on psplus and was aware of the good word of mouth.
I’d love it to be in hand drean animation - perhaps with some cgi touches here and there.
I want to control personal reviews? Well my post is not that open to interpretation, it seemsuke you are projecting.
I am not advocating for the removal of the user experience. I am saying that they are not of equal importance.
Perhaps before you wrote that accurate take down of my opinion you should have read my post better, in particular my second paragraph.
Well I honestly do not see the point of giving such prominence to user reviews if they can be weaponized by immature or bad faith people.
I’ve been trying to play shorter games, I basically gave up on buying rpgs although I love to play them. I have the Witcher 3 on hold which is a shame but the game demands time that I do not have to fully enjoy it.
Please go stand in the corner and come back only when you have facts on your side. Your words are shameful, trying to make victims out of the ones attacking and killing peaceful protesters.
So he likes nine inch nails (the band lol) but dislikes trent reznor?
The game that keeps on giving... And then immediately taking away.
I tend to keep off social media, in fact apart from a Facebook account that I seldom visit, the only social media that I linger on are the comment sections of Kotaku, Io9 and Av club. Thanks to that I rarely get spoiled on plot points, getting only to read about how people are freaking out, being immature about things…
Perhaps I am reading too much into it, but is Snyder throwing shade at Joss Wedon?