
Did an EV sleep with the owner of Jalopknik’s wife, since that is the only thing that would make sense with the amount of EV hatred from this site?


I worked for Subway for nearly 14 years as a manager or employee. Subway’s Tuna is a can of Tuna and Mayonnaise, that is it.

They need a web client.  I am sitting on my Windows PC work computer all day long, so I am not sitting on my iPhone to browse Threads all day long.  I can easily sit on Twitter website quite a bit easier.

I do agree with this view to a point.  Except buying a new EV in Colorado you can get up to $12,500 in rebates.  Buying a used EV you don’t get that amount of rebates.

If the company you work for offers any match on your investment, you match at least up to that, that is giving up free money if you don’t. Anything after that start a roth IRA account and maximize your investment up to the max there and then go back to work 401k.

We are not a serious country at this point.

I just came here to read the comments.  Twitter comments weren’t good for this.

I hope this was worth throwing away $25 million dollars.


If you ever want a discounted Sirius XM subscription, quit. I get multiple mailers a month for me to sign back up for the supercheap rate I had before. Unfortunately the vehicle I had it on before I no longer own and the new vehicle doesn’t have Sirius service.

Humans are easily the biggest killers on the planet earth:

Force?  They planned on opening the network a while ago, but sure call it force if you want I guess. /s

Is this Ohio’s Chernobyl moment? I love how no one is taking blame for this awful mess and not stating how bad this really is. You gotta love when you remove regulation for capitalism, which I hope this affects the bottom line.

Have you seen America lately? We are really not a great country presently, at least with the citizens.

Shouldn’t he be in jail?

I am not really sure what Twitter Blue gives you that is worth paying for. Past editing tweets, nothing shows it is worth paying $11 a month for the service.

I have taken two road trips in my Tesla Model 3, a 3500 mile one and 4,000 mile one, and didn’t have any issues on either of them.

It seems this will be a reality, if you make it a pain in the ass to get for paying for the service, when you can get it extremely easy for free.

Really?  Apparently you don’t understand what competition is then.